Chapter 17- LOOK AFTER YOU

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I couldn't help but cry when I saw Harry in that state.  All I can think of is that I am so cruel and selfish to be unaware that my bestfriend is undergoing a rough patch.  I mean, he is the one that helped me through my down times.  He tried really hard to fix me when I got broken and yet I'm not there for him when he is breaking apart.  What kind of vile creature am I?

Should I ask him why?  Or should I wait for him to be the one to open up? Will he want that? Maybe I need to talk to him, or maybe not.  I don't really know.

Harry went straight to where I am after his stint at the stage.

"That was a great song, Dimples." I tried to lighten my voice but I'm actually so nervous. "You made me cry."

He looked at me baffled, "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to.  But why are you crying in the first place?" 

He led me to a table at the other end of the club instead of where we used to sit with the rest of our group.  I glanced at our table and saw Louis looking at us.  He looks annoyed but then he smiled when Eleanor whispered something to him.  I glanced away and focused my attention to Harry again.

"I cried because you were crying. I don't like seeing you looking like that." I sighed.

His dimples appeared when he heard me say that.  "So you care about me huh?"

"Of course, I care about you! I can't believe you asked me that." I poked his dimples, "but seriously DImples, I will crush the bones of anyone that will hurt you like that. So spill it out, who made you cry?"

He looked at me surprised and confused at the same time. And then he took my hand, "hah. Never mind that.  I chose to be this way. She doesn't even know what I feel."

He shrugged and poked my nose, " but I'm glad that you are ready to fight for me."

"But of course! No one is allowed to hurt my Dimples, well,except me." I teased him and pinched both his cheeks. 

"Yeah, except you." He smiled a weird smile.  It looks like a lonely smile.  If only I can help him out but I don't even know who the girl is.  One day, I know he will tell me when he's ready to open-up about her.

But what if it's me?  No, I shunned away the thought.  Yes he pursued me before but that was long before we became best friends.  And I don't think what he felt during that time is serious anyway.  I mean, it was easy for him to stop courting me when Louis stepped in.  And he never even spoke a single word if ever he has romantic feelings towards me.  So no, it can't be me.  I need to find the girl who is making my Dimples cry and make her realize how lucky she is that he fell for her.



I drove hurriedly back to Shoreditch after dropping El back at her hotel.  I don't want to leave Audrey alone with Curly boy out there.  To say that I am not worried a bit is an understatement.  Fuck yeah! I am more than jealous of Curly.  Who wouldn't be after the song he sang to Audrey? Yes he didn't actually say that it's for her but I know better.  Hazza is pretty transparent to me. 

What a convoluted story we have.  It's quite sad that we fell in love with the same girl and it does grieve me that Harry will end up hurt because Audrey is with me.  But I just can't give up the love of my life to make him happy.  I'm not as selfless as that.

Maybe the only time I will let go of Auds is when she tells me she is in love with Him.  A small voice inside me is insinuating that maybe she has feelings for him but I blocked it.  I won't let that happen.

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