Chapter 7 : What's that feeling?

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I decide to take a short break and move to the apartment before going back to work. It is empty so I'm happy to be alone for a while. Oh. My clothes. I need to find something better to wear. I don't have a lot of garments but I find a black crop-top with long sleeves and a jean that will perfectly suits to dance. I put them in my backpack, I'll wear them tonight. Seung Min and I decided to meet at 10 am to practice.

My phone rings in my pocket and I take it out to see why. I have a notification from a groupchat. When I unlock my phone, I discover three new groupchats in which I've been added. One with the fourteen other members, one for the dance team, and one for the last team, the one with Min Hwan and Ki Suk. The reason why my phone rang is that Ki Suk just sent a message on it.

"Hello, noona, is it okay for you if we meet today at 3 pm? :)"

I look at the time and  confirm the meeting. I have one and a half hour free before I go, I'll take it to think about my solo project. While I'm thinking of that, the apartment's door opens and I get out of my room to see who it is. Jee Hoo is putting her shoes off and straightens up her head when she hears me.

-Welcome Jee Hoo!

She doesn't even answer and passes in front of me without a look.

-I thought you were talking with Seung Min about the dance practice.

She's disrupting me. Why is she so moody? She started the day by being upset, then super nice, and now she's upset again? I need to stay calm. I answer with a big smile and follow her in the room :

-We did, but he had something else to do, probably about the other projects. I'm only here for an hour, I'll probably work on my solo project before going with my other team. Who are your teammates for the second projet again?

-Sun Hi and Dong Min.

Okay... now it's obvious that she doesn't want to talk to me. She seats at her desk and put her headphones on. I sigh and leave the room. What should I do? I don't really want to stay in the same room as her with that bad atmosphere. And I'm not in the mood to work anymore. Oh! I know. I don't have anything to eat in the fridge for the next days, I'm gonna do some shopping.

I spend the next hour by buying food and I even look for some nicer clothes. I don't have a lot of money so I only buy a skirt and a shirt. I'll see if I can borrow some of Iseul and Eun Jae garments. I'll ask them to teach me how to apply makeup nicely. I could ask Jee Hoo for that since she's really beautiful... but I'm a bit afraid that she hates me even more if I do that.

I just have time enough to put my food in the fridge and it's already time to meet with Ki Suk and Min Hwan. When I arrive in front of the building, they're both here, waiting for me. Min Hwan's mid-long red hair is tied in a ponytail while Ki Suk wears a beanie to hide his black hair.

-Hi! Am I late?

They both shake their head and we enter the building. We're going up the stairs but I don't know where they're heading me. We finally arrive in front of three doors and Min Hwan explains to me where we are :

-Ho Joo told us this morning that they're bigger recording studios at this floor. We decided with the other members to notify on the groupchat when we book a room okay? We've already done it for this time.

I nodd and we enter the room. The studio is big enough for at least seven persons, so we have a lot of space for us three. We each pick a chair and sit around the central desk.

I was worried that we didn't get along because of our difference of age, or our music tastes, but I'm nicely surprised. Ki Suk is young and enthusiast but very serious when it comes to music. Min Hwan is a bit more quiet but have nice suggestions. I really like the atmosphere in the studio and feel comfortable with these two. I really want to become friend with them, they have nice personnalities and are very interesting.

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