Chapter 16 : Unknown Land

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*omniscient point of view*

The car has arrived in front of the building, and he still doesn't know why his hyung took him there. He has already so much work for the comeback, and that guy wants him to do something more? During the whole way to that agency, the only girl here has been quiet, but when they open the door and are about to leave the car, she shyly asks :

-Oppa, does mister Yang knows that I am here?

-You don't have anything better to do, right? I already told both of you, we're here to help a friend. Ho Joo is a really close friend and he needs us to lend him a hand. Come on, hurry up!

It means no. The director is unaware of her presence here.

The young man gets out of the car with a sigh. He hasn't slept for two days. This is killing him.

-How many times will we stay here?

-Six days! proudly answers the eldest with a bright smile.

-What?! You didn't tell me it was so long! When do you want me to sleep? I can't stay for so long! Hyung!

The girl sighs. These two are really annoying. One of them has nothing to do since his solo album is ready to be released, and the other one has enough things to do for the rest of his life. How could they understand each other? Six days will be long, especially if she can't go home to see her friends. She already misses them.

The trio enters the building, and the second car arrives. In it, two boys in a similar mood.

-I still don't get why the director is sending us here. He said that it was for an improvement internship, but why did he send just the both of us? As if I didn't have more important things to care about... He better announce the comeback after that or I'll definitely turn crazy.

-Calm down Jihoon. I'm sure that it's going to  be a great experience. It can't be bad... right?

The angry boy looks at his hyung and try to stay calm. He hasn't done anything to deserve his angriness. He nods with a sigh and wait for the car to be stopped. The two young men leave it and the youngest stares at the building name.

-What is that? KH? I don't know that agency. It's making me even more tense.

The other one shows him his phone with a website on it : "KH will officially debut as an agency at the same time as its first group, Orpheus.". There's a picture of about fifteen persons, during a photoshoot, but that doesn't help him to know more about their presence here.

Another sigh.

-Let's go inside, the quickest we will go, the quickest it'll be done.

They enter the agency too and the last car arrived in front of the building. A young woman gets out of it and mumbles :

-He always does everything to avoid me from a new album. He better keep his promise and give me a new comeback.

The red haired women enters the building and goes where the indications on her phone tell her. Walking in the hallways, she hears a tense conversation between two men, and a girl trying to calm them :

-How many times do I have to tell you? I don't have time for that hyung!

-It will be a great experience for you! Plus, I already told the director about you, you don't have any choice.


-Hey... calm down oppas please. We're not alone.

The spy hides behind a wall, not knowing herself why.

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