Min Hwan's Extra Chapter 3

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It will take a lot of time, but he'll get through it. After singing Hopeless Love, Min Hwan understands that he can heal from that scar. It will be long, mostly painful, but he can do it.

It's time to say goodbye to Jimin. She is the one who helped him the most. He will definitely miss her, and having to leave her makes him really sad.

-Take that, I entered my phone number in it. And don't throw it again. Take care Min Hwan.

She gives him his phone, and after one last hug, Jimin leaves the room. Min Hwan will have to spend two days in a way that'll stop him from his dark thoughts. He has to find something to do. Maybe going to his parents house. Maybe just watching movies all the weekend in the dorm.

But his plans drown when he gets out of the agency. His plans drown when he sees Hyo. His heart tightens and he takes a step back, an automatic way to protect himself. Contain his feelings. He must contain his feelings. He must stay strong. Hyo immediately walks to him with a mix of worries and relief on his face, in his beautiful eyes. Stop that. In his eyes. That's it. No need to add the "beautiful". He's stronger than that.

-Min Hwan please...

The boy looks down and passes in front of Hyo without looking at him.

-I'm sorry I'm busy.

But Hyo won't let him runaway. With his usual softness, he catches Min Hwan's wrist and forces him to turn.

-We need to talk Min Hwan.

When he finally looks at him, Min Hwan sees something he's never seen before. Sadness. He has absolutely never seen any negative emotion in Hyo's chocolate eyes. So he decides to listen to him. He decides to stay despite his heart screaming to run away. Despite the spiral of suffering beginning, creaking in his whole body.

Hyo lets go of Min Hwan's wrist, letting a frozen mark where his fingers were a few seconds earlier. They walk, walk and walk until finally arriving in front of a random building.

-Would you mind enter for a moment please?

Min Hwan difficultly nods and understands that they are at Hyo's home. Hyo's home.

What seems to be hours later, the red-haired boy is finally sitting on a small sofa, nervously waiting, not knowing for what.

-Coffee? Tea?

All he can do is shake his head. Hyo seems as nervous as him. When he finally comes back in the living room -which is actually three steps far from the kitchen, he takes a chair and sits in front of Min Hwan. The seriousness in his glance almost makes Min Hwan shiver. After a deep breathe, Hyo closes his eyes and finally talks.

-First of all, I'm sorry. I'll never be sorry enough for what I did to you. You know... I've never seen so much pain in someone's eyes than the other night. And I've never heard so much pain in someone's voice than when I heard you singing.

-When you what? Wh- Jimin...

Min Hwan suddenly realizes that he should have been suspicious. Why did Jimin have his phone? She called Hyo when Min Hwan was performing. She organized everything. He'll have to call her later. Once the surprise passed, he realizes what it means. Hyo heard him sing. He heard him scream all his pain and feelings with the lyrics. He looks down on his shoes and wait for Hyo to continue.

-You know... I'm an idiot. I made you suffer for all this time. I don't know why you chose me, I don't know why I haven't noticed it earlier, I don't know why I'm like I am. But I have a serious question Min Hwan. So answer honestly : have you ever seen me love someone? Have you ever seen me be in love?

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