Min Hwan's Extra Chapter 2

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Hi dear readers!

Before beginning this chapter, I'd like to recommend you two songs to listen to while reading it : If You by Big Bang, and Hopeless Love by Jimin Park.

Enjoy the chapter!


-Open the door

It's been two days. Two days since he hasn't left his room. Two days since he hasn't seen the light of the sun, eaten anything, or gotten up of his bed. Chin Ho and Dong Min tried many times to make him get out of his room. Even Ha Neul came. But he can't. He can't leave his room. He can't come back to his life. Because if he does, it means that he'll have to bare what he did.

-Choi Min Hwan, open that damn door! I will force it.

Jimin is here. He abandonned her and Iseul. It's Friday. He's supposed to perform tomorrow with Iseul. He's a coward. Iseul hasn't done anything to deserve that. But he just can't go back to work. It's too hard.

Two or three clicks. And the sun invades the room. Min Hwan has to close his eyes, it's too bright. Jimin enters the room as a storm and takes the blanket off of Min Hwan. When the boy difficultly opens his eyes again, the look he sees on Jimin face shows him how destroyed he should be looking.

-It's more important than I thought. You two, go away.

With a hand gesture, she makes the worried Dong Min and Chin Ho leave the room entrance, and closes the door. The young woman takes a chair and sits on it while Min Hwan, forced to, slowly reactivates his brain. He turned it off when he ran out of tears. He rubs his swollen and dry eyes, puts his hood on and tightens the laces, so that only a small part of his face is visible.

After a long silence, a silence that seems to last for hours, Min Hwan finally opens his mouth and his heart at the same time.

-Why is it so painful?

His voice broke in the middle of the question and the tears come again. Looks like they weren't really far. He bends his knees and holds them, trying to comfort himself, but the sobbings are too strong. He could die from pain. He could die from how much his heart crumbles are painful when they're infiltrating each one of his articulation, each one of his vein, each one of his nerve. Every sob is more painful than the last one.

Jimin is lost. She never faced someone so desperate. So destroyed. She's helpless. So she sits on the bed, next to the inconsolable boy, and opens her arms. He lets himself fall in it and lets everything out. She doesn't even know why he's in such a state, but the tears are slowly coming in her eyes too. She needs to stay strong.

-What happened Min Hwan?

What happened? That's the question. He's been too far. He's been too unconscious. He was drunk. Too drunk. And his feelings were stronger. They made an alliance with his drunk mind. He was helpless. He broke everything. He broke all he has built for years. He broke every little moment he always cherished. He'll never be able to see his smile anymore. He'll never be able to see him dance again. He'll never be able to jealous the man in his arms.

He went crazy. Why especially that night? He can't tell it. It was too much. He couldn't hold it anymore. He couldn't stand any night more.

Like every night, when he was dancing with Hyo, a stranger came. And a stranger stole Hyo from him. He stole his precious moment. He stole their special moment. So Min Hwan pronounced the three words he thinks of every day since two years. "I hate you". That's what he told Hyo when he left the dance floor. But Hyo heard him. And Hyo followed him. Out of the nightclub. Were Min Hwan exploded. He chased away Hyo's hand. His soft hand. And he faced Hyo. Under the streetlights, under the summer night sky. He has never been so beautiful. And it ended to break Min Hwan's heart.

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