Chapitre 11 : Fourteen left

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I'm on a cloud. How is it possible to feel so good, comfortable and... in love with someone? I can't Believe that three days ago he was still the "guy from the same agency" and that now he's... my boyfriend. I'm dating Kim Seung Min. I'm so happy and feel so light, but somewhere in my mind, a voice is whispering to my that one day I'll regret it, one day everything will collapse. But I shut this voice. I've only lived projecting me in the future, but now I want to live in the present. What has to happen will happen.

Seung Min and I are coming back to the agency building after eating lunch together. He was surprised after I kissed him, but his smile showed me for sure that he liked it. I've never felt so shy in my entire life, because I never did something so reckless.

We decided to stay discrete about our relationship to not affect the group cohesion, but right now, we're walking hand in hand in the street and I couldn't feel happier. I'd never thought Seung Min was someone like that. I've always seen him as a serious, fierce and maybe even cold person, but it turned out he's the most sweet guy I've ever met. I mean, of course I know some guys who are nice and sweet, but Seung Min has that way to look at me that makes me melt. I feel pretty when he looks at me and so proud to be his girlfriend.

I stop in the middle of the street. Seung Min does the same and look curiously at me :

-What are you doing?

I shake my head and smile. I feel like a child when I answer :

-I'm your girlfriend. I just realized it.

He laughs and pats my head with a huge smile when I join him in a childish jump. I feel like he can protect me for everything the worlds plans for me. I can take off my shell and leave my vulnerability uncovered. I just have to hide in his arms, and all my problems and worries would disappear, as if he's my personnal shield. I love that idea.

When we arrive in the district, I sadly take my hand back, but now, I know that something has changed and will never be the same. I have a new motivation to achieve my goal, a new reason to fight, a new dream.

Almost everyone is already here when we enter the building. Three persons are still missing, but they arrive a few minutes after us. We are separate in two groups : boys and girls. The other girls and I follow a woman who leads us to an unknown part of the building. We enter a big room, full of chairs, mirrors, clothes and sofas. It's a makeup room. The woman explains to us that two girls will get prepared at the same time, and the others will have to wait. To do it easier, we will get prepared by room, so I'll go with Jee Hoo. Mee Na and Jae Hwa are the first to go and we all sit on the comfortable sofas.

I thought I could rest for a while, but my three roommates almost jump on me at the moment I close my eyes. I startle and hold back a scream when I see they're only at a few centimeters from my face.

-What is it? Is there a problem?

Iseul almost sit on my knees when Jee Hoo asks me with a curious and smooth voice :

-What happened after we left? What is that smile on your face Ha Neul? Tell us!

I'm trapped. But I can't tell them. Not now. I know that Eun Jae, Iseul and Jee Hoo's smiles will fade at the moment I'll lie to them, but I need to keep my secret.

-We went to the doctor. Seung Min has been hit in the face, and my throat was painful. Sorry to disappoint you girls, but that's the truth. Nothing exciting.

Jee Hoo and Iseul seem to trust me, but Eun Jae, who was behind them, still looks at me with a meaningful smile. She winks at me and I hide my smile. She's young but not naive.

We talk about all and nothing during a moment when two women call for Jee Hoo and I. We follow them and they make us sit on chairs in front of the large mirrors. The women who's taking care of me is about forty years old and looks at me with a maternal smile.

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