A Daughter of Athena

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Nico POV


I open my eyes to find my best friend Will Solace standing over me. And oh Hades, my stomach hurts.

"What happened?" I ask.

Will frowns at me. "First off, you didn't stay in bed as I told you to. Second, Clarisse stabbed you from behind, while, according to her, you were staring at Merrily. Third, Merrily is now a daughter of Athena." At the last bit of news, I feel like crying.

Merrily is a daughter of Athena. For some reason, all the Athena kids besides Annabeth hate me. And I'm pretty sure Annabeth only likes me out of obligation from Percy. Will notices my crumpled face and puts a hand on my shoulder. I flinch.

"What's wrong Nico?" he asks gently.

I bury my face in a pillow. "Nothing." Tears start to fall down my face. I had really liked Merrily. As more than a friend. I should have never thought she'd like someone like me. Will's hand rests on my back.

"You like her don't you?"

"No," I answer stubbornly.

"Then explain why you're sobbing into your pillow," Will says.

"I am not sobbing into my pillow," I protest.

"Turn around," Will instructs. I shake my head. Will gently turns my body around to face him. I'm pretty sure my face is tear streaked by now. Will grins at me.

"I guess I like her," I mumble into my knees. "But this stays between us. Now is there anything on my face?"

"Besides tear streaks?" Will smiles. "Not much." He hands me a wet paper towel and I wipe down my face. "By the way, according to Percy, Merrily looked downright scary last night when she challenged poor Clarisse to a duel. She was practically drenched in your blood."

"Challenged Clarisse?" I ask incredulously. "Is she crazy?"

"Apparently so," Will says, lifting my shirt. "She disarmed her in twenty seconds flat, then got claimed by Athena." Will began undoing the dressing on my wound which still hurt like heck. There was a nice neat scar going down my abdomen which was still slightly red.

"It hurts," I groan as Will presses down on the wound.

"Well, I can't give you any more ambrosia," Will explains. "Which means a week of bed rest."

"A week!" I exclaim. "I can't stay in here for a week!" Will doesn't say anything, but he leaves. I huff and fold my arms then flinch because my stomach hurts. Suddenly, a giant flurry of colors flew into the room.

"Oh my goodness," Hazel squealed. "Piper Iris messaged me the second she found out! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Hazel," I say, trying to subtly see if Merrily was in the crowd. She wasn't. I tried to keep my face straight, but I could tell Hazel and Piper noticed. Percy, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Leo, Annabeth and I all spent some time talking about generic things and one by one, everyone dispersed until it was just Piper, Hazel, and I.

"So," Piper smiles. "Who were you looking for earlier?"

"I wasn't looking for anyone," I frown, crossing my arms. I yank them down again because my stomach hurts.

"Sure you weren't," Hazel grins. "Maybe a certain daughter of Athena?"

"Who, Annabeth?" I ask innocently. "Why would I be looking for her?"

"Nice try," Piper says knowingly. "You were totally looking for Merrily."

"I was not and you can't prove it," I say, jutting my chin up. Piper and Hazel roll their eyes and grin. Soon after, the two girls leave and I'm left to myself. I stare at the ceiling. All I can think about is Merrily. She's just... I don't have any words. Her blue-grey eyes are usually always so happy and they almost look into your soul.

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