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I arrive back at Festus with my portion of the supplies. Nico and Ryan are back, but Merrily is nowhere to be seen. We wait fifteen minutes. Nothing.

It had been almost an hour since we'd got back from collecting supplies. In reality, it was only supposed to take about fifteen minutes, but Nico said that we should wait a little longer. I had a feeling in my gut that something was wrong with her, but everyone told me it was fine and I should wait.

Is that... smoke?

"Something's wrong," I say seriously. "I'll be back."

"Wait, what?" Chey demands. "With Merrily?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but there is fire over there," I reply, pointing to the smoke. Everyone pales and I hurry off into the city. The firemen haven't gotten there yet, probably because of midday traffic. Most of the crowds are staying away from the building.... named Evans's Bakery... oh no. A weight settles in my stomach as I recognize Merrily's old house and her white shoe lying on the sidewalk.

Pushing past the small crowd, I slip into the building. The smoke doesn't bother me and neither does the heat. I rush upstairs, past the baked goods which are now burnt to a crisp and up the stairs. I bust down every single door.

In the living room, I see Merrily's father slouched down in an armchair, broken alcohol bottles everywhere and a cigar lying on the floor. The man is dead. I flip him the bird and move on. Finally, in the very last room, a figure lies on the ground.

Bile rises in my throat as I rush towards her. And I don't know why, but I start sobbing when I see her. Her skin is red and blistered. Her shirt is off, revealing charred skin and oozing wounds. Her cheeks are swollen and long, deep burns adorn her arms and legs, the edges charred black. Her clothes are ripped and stuck in some of the wounds, pus causing them to stick to the raw flesh. In her right forearm is a nail that has been hammered into the floorboards.


Merrily POV


I'm so numb and yet so in pain. I don't know when it will stop. I can feel myself fading, but it hurts so bad.


That voice..... it's so familiar and so calming. I latch on to it, and hold tight.



I have to get the nail out, or I can't move her.

"Merrily," I choke through sobs. "I-I have to get this nail. It's going to be okay." I grip the nail and pull, and the most unearthly scream rips from Merrily's throat. I hate causing her pain, gods I don't know if I can do this.

I pull harder. Tears are blinding my eyes so much I can hardly see and Merrily screams and sobs even louder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I whisper. "Just hold on." One last pull and the nail breaks free of the wood. I ease the nail out, rip off the bottom of my shirt and press the cloth to the deep hole.

"Hold on, Merrily, hold on!" I pick up her limp form and hurry out of the room. Behind me, the room collapses. I hurry down the fire escape and race back to where everyone is waiting. I can't bear to look at her so hurt and injured, yet she is still the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

Chey comes rushing out to meet me. "Oh my gods, what happened?" Tears start to free fall down her face.

"Her dad...." I croak. "It's bad, it's really bad."

"Give her here," Chey orders. We lay Merrily down on a sleeping bag behind Festus, just in case of curious mortals. Chey grabs some ambrosia while I grab gauze and Neosporin. Chey feeds the ambrosia to Merrily slowly. Merrily groans, and tries to shift, but winces in pain.

My chest hurts just hearing it and Chey looks even more distraught.

The ambrosia has closed up her wrist wound, but most of the burns are still oozing and we can't risk any more. Nico stands awkwardly to the side, not really looking, but he still looks extremely worried.

I take the Neosporin and spread it on the gauze. Chey mimics me and we begin to apply gauze to her various burns and cuts.

Merrily breathes quickly every time we touch her burnt skin, and I bite my lip to keep from crying. Chey is pale and looks scared. I think Chey feels closer to Merrily than she lets on.

"We'll have to stay here at least a couple more days," Abigail informs us. "You can't move her like this."

"Our deadline is almost up," Ryan mentions. "Two more days would put us unnervingly close to the 'you get incinerated now' date."

"It's a risk we'll have to take," I frown. "Festus will get us there. We're close enough to camp that we can make it with time to spare."

The next several hours are spent watching over Merrily, changing her bandages, checking her temperature and sleeping. Chey and I take shifts watching her. I hate it when it's my turn, but I also look forward to it a little.

I hate it because it hurts to see her.... well hurt, but she's so beautiful.

I'm on shift when it happens. Merrily has been tossing and turning and moaning. It's night now so everyone else is asleep.

Then she lets out a hoarse scream and tries to sit up. Everyone jolts awake as I try to calm her down.

"Merrily, it's okay!" I say gently. "You're with us; Nico, Leo, Chey, Abigail and Ryan."

"No!" she screams. "I-I was there... and he was burning me..."

"No, it's cool, you're in Central Park," Ryan explains.

"I'm so sorry!" Merrily wails. "I've done nothing but make issues!"

"Uh uh, stop it right there," Abigail frowns. "This was not your fault at all."

"Yes it was, if I had been paying more attention...." Merrily was still partially crying.

"It's your dad's fault," Nico says. "Not yours."


Next chapter up soon. Sorry about the last one.

Merrily: Well, thanks a lot!

Me: It'll look up!

Leo: When, after you kill all of us?

Me: I can arrange that! *starts typing furiously*

Merrily: No! He was being sarcastic!

Me: *laughs evilly* TOO LATE

Nico: Finally......

David: Sorry I'm late. I was discussing something with Hades and... never mind.

Merrily: Hades and who??

*David and me fist bump*

Leo: You two are up to something...

David: Us? By the way, CheyPaigeFanfic does not own PJO or HoO

Leo: What's going on?


Merrily: Please vote and comment!

The Wants of a Young Demigod Heart (Nico di Angelo, Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now