Back at Camp

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Chey POV


Thank goodness I'm getting over my cold, although I can't believe it lasted so long. On the bright side, now I can go kick Nico's butt. I really can't believe he thought I'd go out with him right after he broke up with my best friend. For once, Abigail is on my side and so is Ryan. 

In new developments, we've got a new camper. I don't know her name, all I know is that she tried to talk to me earlier. I think I scared her off though; she looked a little peaky. She'll probably be gone in a little while though. The nice thing about the gods claiming their children so fast is that we Hermes kids have more space in our cabin. Besides the new girl, there's one other boy who's been there for about six months now, unclaimed. 

I rush outside, taking care to not have my skirt fly up. Skirts in winter... this stupid brush is ridiculous sometimes, but I'm trying to train it. I've gotten a few pants and shorts out of it, which is good. Before, I'd only get dresses and the occasional skirt. 

"Hey, Chey, I take it you're feeling better?" Abigail asks, coming up beside me.

"Yeah, it's better than being stuck in that stuffy old cabin all day," I reply ruefully. "I wonder how Merrily's doing."

That's when an Iris message pops up in front of me, and Merrily's face hovers in front of me. "Hey Chey!" she grins at me. 

"Hi Merrily!" Abigail greets.

"What's up fam?" I reply, with a slight smirk.

"Not much," Merrily frowns. Just then, I see another, taller person enter the room through the Iris message. 

"Who's that?" Abigail asks, 

"Requis Evans, her brother!" Requis pops into the frame.

"You have a brother?" David asks, popping in next to me. I shove him. I mean, he was there!

"No, I don't have a brother!" Merrily protests, pushing the, admittedly cute, boy out of the way. 

"I am too your brother!"

"Not right now!" Merrily pushes Requis out of the room and turns back to us. "Oh my gosh, he's such a nerd. What's up with you guys?"

"Abigail and Ryan are dating!" I gasp out. Did I forget to mention that? Yeah.


"They finally got together?" Merrily squeals. "It's about time!" I have to agree. After Ryan got back to camp, his old girlfriend Bree broke up with him over Taylor, but I think he was losing interest anyway. I tell you, all he could talk about was Abigail this and Abigail that. Thank the gods they're finally going out, although I can't say that the Abigail talk has decreased at all. At least there's less desperation.  Ryan spent hours pacing the Hermes cabin practicing to ask Abigail out. It was one of the worse things I had to go through while I had the flu. 

"Speaking of relationships, are you and Leo dating yet?" Abigail asks with a secretive grin.

"No!" Merrily insists. Right then, Leo enters the room blinking his eyes rapidly, and I hear a loud crash followed by a groan.

"Babe, have you seen my contacts cleaner? Seth is supposed to be teaching me how to use them." Merrily's eyes instantly go all misty.

"It's under the sink, Leo," she replies dreamily. Leo leaves and Merrily turns back to us. "Look, I can explain."

"No need," I grin. "So, when will you two be back?"

"Probably after Christmas," Merrily replies. "I'll be bringing back a new demigod we found. Son of Aphrodite."

"Where'd you find him?" Abigail inquires.

Merrily's eyes narrow. "He's not a stray dog, Abby. And it's my not-brother. And could you guys ask Chiron something for me?"

"Sure what?" David agrees amicably. 

"Why have there been no monster attacks?" Merrily explains. "I'm inclined to think it's either Aphrodite or Apollo. I haven't been wearing my bracelet at all, so that's three fairly strong demigod scents in one place."

I chew my bottom lip thoughtfully. "That is weird. We'll ask, and I'll call you back." We as in David or Ryan. I need to practice my swordsmanship and my pickpocketing. 

"Okay, thanks!" Merrily smiles. "Have a good Christmas!"

"You too!" The connection cuts, leaving us all in silence. That is until Ryan hurries forward with Taylor strapped to his chest.

"Ryan!" Abigail cries. "If you're going to carry her like that, make sure her head is secure!" Ryan looks positively mortified and immediately props his daughter's head up with his hand. 

"Sorry," he apologizes. "Who were you talking to?"

"Merrily," I reply. "She decided to give us a call. And you're to ask Chiron if any of the gods have been shielding Merrily."

"In unrelated news," Abigail cuts in. "I think Merrily and Leo finally got together."

"Yes!" Ryan pumps his fist. 

"That's what we all said," David remarks dryly. "It's so obvious even a Hypnos kid could pick up on it and all they do is sleep."

"Not true!" Abigail argues. "Lyssa is actually fairly active."

"There's always one odd nut," David replies calmly. 

"Lyssa's not odd!" Abigail nearly screeches. "She's actually really nice! And if she's an odd nut, what are you? You're supposed to be dead!"

David cocks his head. "Very true, but then, I'm not, so..." Abigail looks furious and Ryan and I exchange glances. That's when the horn blows for dinner. 

"See you later losers," I say, and head for the dining pavilion. I can't wait until Merrily and Leo get back.


I'm sorry for the short and pretty sucky chapter. Things have been pretty busy lately, and I'm so sorry. I know that I apologize way too much, but I am not going to give up on this story. I will not, and that is a promise I have made to myself and to you guys. So thank you guys for sticking with this!

Be prepped for a time skip next chapter.

*breaks fourth wall*

Chey: That was boring.

Me: I know. I'm fresh out of creative juice.

Leo: You have enough to make this fourth wall break interesting right?

Me: I don't think so.

Nico: That's not the right answer. 

Me: I can't just make creative juice out of nowhere!

Nico: Yeah you can!

Me: I'd like to see you try it!

Leo: This is ridiculous.

David: By the way, CheyPaigeFanfic does not own PJO or HoO.




Nico: *unsheathes sword*

Me: *holds pen threateningly*

Nico: *screams*

Me: *screams*

Merrily: Please vote and comment!

The Wants of a Young Demigod Heart (Nico di Angelo, Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now