A Son of Hephaestus

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Merrily POV

Warning: Touchy content ahead (I really should change the rating)


I walked with Leo down to the infirmary. I feel so bad! I probably hurt his feelings leaving the way I did. Plus, Leo looks so tired. There are huge bags under his eyes and his tan skin that usually glows with buoyancy and delight is pale and sickly. And is that a limp I see?

However, one thing really catches my eyes. It's his hands. In the very short time, I've known Leo, there has always been one constant with him. And that one thing is his hands. They are literally always moving. Whether they are tapping odd patterns on his leg or twisting pipe cleaners, Leo's hands are never still. Except for now. 

When we arrive at the infirmary, Will playfully glowers at me and hands Leo a square of ambrosia. Leo nibbles at the square and his wrist straightens out and to his face returns that healthy glow, tan skin gleaming. The bags under his eyes fade, leaving behind the serious happiness in his brown orbs, though I think I see a hint of something else.

"Hey there Nico!" Leo greets, his trademark smile making its way onto his face. Nico scowls and I see something in those eyes as well. What secrets were these boys hiding?

"Go away Leo," Nico growls. I almost take a step back. What in all of Olympus happened to the sweet, caring, and teasing boy from yesterday. I'm not quite sure I like this side of Nico. This side of Nico is intimidating and makes you want to run far, far away. 

"C'mon man!" Leo is saying. "Would it kill you to smile?"

"Would you just go away?" Nico frowns. 

Leo takes a half step back. "Uh, sure man," he says quietly. "I'll just be on my way then." And with a half grin on his face, he zips out the door.

"Oh, Leo, I'm sure he didn't mean it!" I call after him, but there is no answer. "What was that for?" I explode, rounding on the son of Hades. 

Nico looks shocked. "What was what for?" 

"The way you treated Leo!" I explain. "It was completely uncalled for."

Nico looks slightly ashamed. "I wasn't trying to be mean or anything." Before my eyes, Nico transforms back from scary to kind and caring. 

"Why do you do that?" I quickly ask him.

"Do what?" Nico asks, picking on his bed sheets. "Did you bring any cheese fries?"

Ignoring his last question, I reply, "Switch personalities like that. Like one second, you're a little, cuddly teddy bear and the next, you're all scary and dark."

"I dunno," he says. "I guess I just like some people and not others. Is that a crime?"

"I suppose not," I sigh. "You're a tough nut to crack, huh?" Nico flashes me that adorable half-grin. 

"Now, about those cheese fries..." Nico looks at me hopefully. 

I laugh. "Is that all you think about?"

"Cheese fries are never far from my mind," he replies, dark eyes twinkling. 

After visiting Nico, I go to the climbing wall with the rest of the Athena cabin. 

"Okay Merrily," Annabeth explains. "All you have to do is make it to the top of the wall without the lava catching you." I must've looked terrified, because she says, "Don't worry, the lava won't burn you. It'll only burn your clothes. Plus, I have the setting set to easy." That wasn't much more comforting. 

The Wants of a Young Demigod Heart (Nico di Angelo, Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now