Green Day

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Merrily POV


It's been another long week of pretending I'm okay. Oh, sure I'm better, but I still have nightmares almost every night. But no one knows how I feel except for me. Or so I thought.

Leo was outside for the first time in ages, laughing and joking. He isn't wearing anything green, except for his shoes. I'll have to do something about that. 

I laugh at a joke the Stoll brothers just told. I really didn't feel like laughing, but if I didn't everyone would know. After Chey, Leo and I finish chatting with the Stolls and Jason, Leo pulls me aside.

"Stop faking it." I freeze, the smile frozen on my face. Leo's own face is carefully guarded, but deadly serious.

"What do you mean?" I ask though I have a pretty good idea of what he means.

"You're faking being happy," Leo replies. "I know you're still hurting over your dad. I know you fake just about every smile and every laugh. And I know you're still wary of everyone, just by the fact that your toes and lower body are pointed away from me."

"Excu-excuse me?" I stammer. How did he know? It's just Leo.

"You need to tell someone how you're feeling," Leo says, ignoring my comment. "I know I suck so you probably don't want to tell me but Annabeth is good to talk to and I know you're close with Chey, and Nico would listen."

"How-How did you—" Leo cuts me off.

"Take care of yourself before it's too late." And with that, Leo ambles away towards Bunker Nine, leaving me to my thundering thoughts. How did he know? He must have just figured it out, but how did he figure it out? Nobody, not even Nico knows. Oh, I'm sure he suspects, but I don't think he really truly knows anything. 

I shake my head violently, trying to erase all the invading thoughts from my mind and try to focus on something else. I look at the grass and it hits me. No one knows Leo's favorite color is green. And I think it's time everyone found out. 


"David!" I call. The first person from our quest I see. He turns to face me, looking awkward. 

"Hey Merrily," he says nervously. "I--"

"No time for that!" I wave him off. "Leo's favorite color is green!"

"And this is important how?" 

"Everyone assumes it's red!" I exclaim, moving my hands wildly. David still looks confused. "Ugh! C'mere, let's go find Chey or Abigail." Chey is doing the climbing wall with her cabin. In a skirt. Gotta give her props for that. 

Chey looks down and spots us. "Merrily, David, what's up?"

"I need you for a heist!" I call up to her. Chey nods, finishes climbing, rings the bell and leaps back down. 

"Done and done," she grins. "Who am I stealing from?"

"Leo," I reply. "Everyone thinks his favorite color is red."

Chey's eyes widen in instant understanding. "Of course!"

"I'm so confused," David frowns. 

"Oh, you're alive," Chey teases. 

"Oh, don't sound so disappointed," David says dryly. "I might think you don't like me."

"Odd. I don't."

"Oh really? Well I--"

"Both of you knock it off!" I scowl. "We have bigger things at hand. Now, here's the plan..."

The Wants of a Young Demigod Heart (Nico di Angelo, Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now