Introduced Characters so Far Four

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Wen Nu

(NEW MINOR MINOR) Deceased. Lan Yunlin's personal maid who was an original slave in the Qishan Wen Sect. Wanting a life more than being a slave, Nu eventually tried to sell herself to Wen Ruohan in exchange for power but when the Wen sect leader found out, Nu was to die the following morning by execution. In the Lanling Jin sect, Nu did not have a specific name but was addressed simply as 'Nu,' which can mean 'slave' or 'girl.' She was given the main objective to gain Guangshan's entire favor and when she did, Nu eventually became pregnant with Guangshan's child. The plan was to have the child and return back to Qishan Wen, possibly forming a marriage alliance from Nu and Guangshan's 'marriage,' but the plan ultimately failed. Through false accusations, Lan Yunlin found out that Nu was the female attendant who made Guangshan somewhat abandon her and Nu later became Yunlin's personal attendant after the mistress showed much authority over her. Nu agreed to collaborate with Yunlin in killing Jin Zhuqin because the maid also was jealous over the fact that she was favored and had a position in the Jin sect. Wen Nu was killed by Lan Yunlin; her heart squeezed dry ofblood and her body perished with no ashes.

Qin Zhongxin

(NEW MINOR) He is a direct disciple from the Laoling Qin sect, eldest son to Qin Cangye who is the current leader of the Qin sect and is Qin Baoqi's younger half-cousin. He also seems to have a younger sister...half sister. Currently 14 years old and is the only young master in the main Laoling Qin household. He is known to be dedicated, serious, and extremely loyal to his clan. Zhongxinn was forced to join the Lanling Jin sect two days ago as an attendant under his 'father's' order and properly serve the main branch, in hopes of slowly gaining recognition for the Laoling Qin clan. In reality, he was ordered to go into the Jin sect under his mother's order and it is only known that he went in with the mindset of enacting possible revenge for his mother. He was also ordered to keep a close eye on Jin Zhuqin. As seen, he is very stubborn and does not tend to listen to others very easily; not wanting to hear the Lan brother's introductions and unwilling to become a general guest disciple of the Jin sect.

Qin Yiqi & Qin Zhangyi 

(NEW MINOR) They are young parentless twins of the Laoling Qin sect who followed Qin Baoqi to be her servants. Currently 17 years old and are known to always be together although they are not often seen around Jin Lin Tai (Carp Tower). Similar to Zhongxin, both twins take their duties seriously and often times do not argue with Qin Baoqi when she wants something done. They seem to have incredible speed and can get from one location or city to another within a few minutes or hours. Although they are not seen too much in anyone's presence, they know which person to go to which is usually Baoqi. Thus far, the twins are committed to following the orders of Baoqi.

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