Chapter 07 - Surprise!

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At the apartment..

Midoriya's POV

I walked towards my home in slow pace,feeling very weak and unenergetic. I really regretted telling Tenko-nii about Kacchan and now he was hospitalized because of me.

I was gonna to scold him for this.

I finally reached my home. It felt like forever to arrive here. I took out my keys from my pocket and unlocked the door but something was odd. The door was already unlocked.

Don't tell me he was at home...

I sighed and slowly cricked opened the door. I took a glimpse and no one was inside.

I sighed in relief and entered my house in ease. At least I would have some times to be alone. The house was very dark that I could barely see the inside.

I switched on the lights and...



I stumbled back and fell on my butts. I hissed in pain and rubbed my butts. Tenko-nii chuckled at me. "You should look at your face,Icchan." He laughed at me teasingly. I pouted,sulking and feeling offended by his prank.

"Aw~ Sorry dear~" He apologized in playful tone and picked me up bridal style. He nuzzled his nose with mine. I smiled slightly at him.

I couldn't bring myself to scold him at all...

But I still could ask him nicely,right?

"Tenko-nii~" I called him out in sweet tone. "Sleep with me." I said and his eyes went wide in surprise. He quickly walked to my room and threw me on the bed.

He crawled ontop of me like a hungry animal. "Are you thinking of dirty things,Icchan?~" He smirked seductively at me.

Wait, that wasn't what I mean!

I just wanna talk in quiet place!

I only gulped. The last time we did this which was my first was very painful. Tenko-nii licked his lips in hunger and he began taking off his tops.

He pressed his lips on mine and removed all of my clothes and we both made love,again....


An hour later...

Third Person's POV

Midoriya panted heavily after the 'exercise' with Tenko. Tenko chuckled at her and laid next to her. He pulled up the blanket to cover themselves.

" something wrong?" Tenko asked her all of sudden, startling the greenette who was lost in thoughts. Tenko stared at her in silent. His guess was right after all.

Midoriya looked guilty and heaitated to talk. She really wanted to ask him about Bakugou but she was afraid...Tenko would throw tantrum. She wanted to ask him about it without hurting his feeling.

"T-Tenko-nii..." She stuttered nervously. Tenko patiently waited for her to finish her sentence. "D-Did you...hurt Kacchan?" Midoriya asked and she regretted her decision all of sudden.

Tenko's eyes widened in shock. He sat up on the bed and glared at his lover in jealousy and madness. "And what if I did it?" Tenko asked her in husky voice and Midoriya started to shiver im fear.

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