Chapter 41 - Breaking

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A/N- This chapter has disturbing contains slightly. Please bear with it or you can skip it if you want.


A few minutes later,
Police station...

Midoriya's POV

I was in the interrogation room with Aizawa-sensei and Tsukauchi-san, All Might's good friend. There were only silence in the room, no one hadn't spoke up even a word yet. The atmosphere was quiet tense. Bead of sweats won't stop trickling on my temple.

"Midoriya." Aizawa-sensei called out my name shortly, crossing his arms in his chest while his finger tapped his arm repeatedly for a whole two minutes already. "For the third time, please leave that guy. He IS a villain." He repeated his order again but as if I would listen to him!

"And for the third time, no, I won't!" I answered, mainly refused to listen to him. "Fine." Aizawa-sensei glared dagger at me but not a bit I flinched. Comparing to Tenko-nii's sometimes scary glare, Aizawa-sensei's was nothing.

"From now on, you'll be watched heavily under me. You can't go anywhere unless a pro hero or one of your classmates escort you." Aizawa-sensei demanded in seriousness.

What?! That's too much! Why did I need to be controlled?!


"NO REFUSING ANYMORE!" Aizawa-sensei yelled at me in complete anger. "Aizawa,calm down." Tsukauchi-san placed his hands on Aizawa-sensei's shoulders.

Globs of tears in my eyes threatened me to spill out but I held them back. My body trembled heavily in sadness.

This is the worst moment in my life...


A week later,
UA High School,
1-A Classroom,

Midoriya's POV

The last bell finally rang noisily, signifying that school time had ended. All of my classmates gathered in their own groups, well except for me, I mean, only me.

I silently packed in my belongings into my yellow backpack. My eyes darted to Ochako-chan and Iida-kun who were chatting wih Kirishima-kun and Ashido-san happily. I stared at them sadly since I wasn't part of them anymore.

After that incident, for one week, everywhere I go, a pro hero or a classmate of mine will escort me, even to the bathroom.

I was completely alienated by my friends and the teachers. Bad rumors about me were spreading throughout the whole school. Every time I walked through the hallway, there were always cold glares full of disgust and hatred locked on me, whisperings and gossipings...

My friends didn't even talk to me anymore. And worse... I was bullied at school. Literally everyone at school bullied me. The seniors and even my friends. Kacchan... Kacchan was the head of the bullies' group  This kind of life was like the one I had during middle school. I can't believe I have to go through this again.

Todoroki-kun was the only one who talked to me but I told him not to speak with me anymore. It could be dangerous. I didn't want him to get involved with me or the teachers would think he was a traitor for helping me.

All Might's and Mom's reaction hit me hard the most. Mom forbade me from seeing Tenko-nii. She... She was extremely disappointed with me. She cried all day after Sensei told her the truth about Tenko-nii. I've never seen her cried profusely like that for a long time. The last time she cried that much was when Dad left us. All Might, he was so shocked but didn't get mad at me. Instead, after Sensei told him, he silently left me and Sensei with his face darkened with disappointment. Even up until now, he didn't speak to me.

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