Chapter 19 - Accept

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On the way back to the gym...

Midoriya's POV

I walked toward the gym in a very slow space, feeling extremely weak to even open a step after crying from the top of my lungs just now. My eyes were red and very puffy. I tried to hide the with make up that I brought in a small make up kit, hidden in my pocket.

"Oh, Deku-chan! There you are!" Ochako-chan sprinted toward me with concern look plastered on her chubby feature. I only responded to her with a small smile, a fake one. "Deku-chan, you're good?" She asked me in worry, noticing that I had been remaining silent ever since I arrived.

I widened my fake smile and nodded to Ochako-chan reassuringly, trying to convince her not to worry about me that much. She still looked hesitated to trust me but smiled slightly at last. We both then walked to the boys in silent.

"It's already evening so we've to go home. See you guys tomorrow!" Kirishima-kun said in friendly tone while his hand swiftly grabbed his bag. "Oi, Bakugou! You don't wanna go home yet?" He asked Kacchan in puzzle. Kacchan only glared at him before walking away from us while cursing under his breath.

"I'm sorry Ochako-chan. But I feel like walking home alone today. Goodbye." I told my BFF in a weak,tired voice tone. She nodded to me without hesitation even though she looked very worried about me.

I grabbed my bag that was laying on the floor and headed out of the gym to return home.


At the apartment

Midoriya's POV

I lazily spinned the doorknob and opened the door slightly widely. "I'm home..." I informed Tenko-nii who was probably staying in my house for the whole day. "Welcome home, baby." Tenko-nii, who was in his black hoodie covering his face welcomed me in a happy tone, a bright smile tugged om his chapped lips. I felt very relax and happy when I saw those beautiful smile of his. All exhaustion faded away in an instant.

I only remained standing at the door still, frozen there in nervousness when I recalled just now's incident. Tenko-nii noticed my strange behaviour but I just ignored him. I gritted my teeth in worry.

I can't tell him... He will try to hurt Kacchan again.

"Icchan, are you okay? Oh, you might be very tired, don't you?" Tenko-nii said in concern. He caressed my freckled cheeks with his hands that were in gloves,covering only his middle fingers. He suddenly attacked my lips out of nowhere, surprising me who was deep in my thoughts.

Tenko-nii licked my bottom lip, giving me sign to open them up. I parted my lips and his tongue entered my wet covern, dominating every inches of insidr of my mouth. "Mmh~" I hummed delightly at his minty kiss. I placed my palms on his muscular chest while Tenko-nii's left hand traveled to my waists, pulling me deeper into the kiss.

We only kept kissing until I broke the kiss to inhale the air. "How do you feel now? Better?" Tenko-nii smirked at me teasingly while nuzzling his nose with mine. Soft chuckles left my lips when I heard that. "Maybe~ Thanks Tenko-nii." I teased him too.

Tenko-nii suddenly scooped me up in his arms. I was caught off guard that I yelped in surprise. He brought my curvy body into the house, carrying me to the couch and then put me down on it.

Tenko-nii then walked to the door back, shutting it close before heading to me back. I thought he wanted to sit with me but instead, he got behind the couch and placed both his hands on my shoulders. "Let me massage you,okay?" He kindly offered. I smiled widely and nodded to him without hesitation.

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