Chapter 30 - Kill! Kill! Kill!

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Midoriya's Residence...

Midoriya's POV

I stared at Tenko-nii who was sleeping soundly like a baby. I only smiled warmly at my love one and ruffled his silky light blue hair. He hummed lightly which was very cute to me as he snuggled his head into my chest, demanding for my attention. He had been acting so clingy ever since I returned from school to get Recovery Girl's treatment.

After I overheard his coversation this morning, I quickly left my house and went to UA High to meet Recovery Girl. I asked her to heal me, I mean, fully heal. She was a bit confused by my rushing action but still agreed to treat me.

And now I could move both of my arms.

After that, I went to the city to buy some things for tonight's mission; Stop Tenko-nii's plan.

I bought a full face rabbit-like mask, a black hoodie, a pair of black shorts and a handcuff. Luckily Tenko-nii didn't notice the things I bought just now.

But after I got home, I realized Tenko-nii was left all alone. He said Mom left to go out with her friend which I assumed was Mitsuki-san just right after I ran out of the house...

Perfect timing... I just don't want Mom to get worried...

"Icchan... I've to return to my hideout tonight..." He murmured sleepily as he buried his face into my chest more. He was really enjoying it. "Um... What are you gonna do?" I asked him, trying to dig deeper into his secret plan. He raised up his head and gazed into my emerald eyes deeply. "Just a small business..." He muttered feeling unsure with his answer and I noticed, sweats trickled on his temple. "H-Hey, it's okay if you don't wanna tell me..." I assured him in nervousness. I almost blew up my own cover.

I hope he didn't notice anything suspicious about me...

Tenko-nii smiled at me before raising his head up higher, this time he buried his face in my neck, inhaling my strawberry scent. His breath sent a tingling sense through all my body. "You smell so sweet, Icchan... Can we do it now?" He asked in eager as his hands worked out to take off his shirt, making me blushed madly.

"Tenko-nii! No!" I defied his request. He looked at me in sadness. "Aww, why? Come on, I always use protection, don't I?" He huffed in annoyance. I shook my head in determination. "No! Why are you so addicted to this?" Now it was my turn to pout. Tenko-nii turned to look at me with a seductive smile. "I'm not addicted to this but I'm addicted to you..." He stated in flirtious tone. My face burnt much redder than before, making Tenko-nii chuckled softly at me.

Tenko-nii's phone suddenly buzzed, making him focused on it. He took out his phone and looked at the screen. His red pupils moved as he read whatever message on the screen. Slowly, an evilish smile presented on his face, scaring me. His smile sent shivers down to my spine.

O-Oh my gosh, this feeling again...

Tenko-nii slipped in his phone into his pocket back. "So sorry Icchan but I need to go now, baby. I'll see you tomorrow~" He cooed in his usual cheerful tone before pecking my lips. He grabbed his black shirt and put it on back. "Bye, sweetie." He greeted me, leaving my room.

I got up from my bed and peeked through the slight open door. I saw him putting on his red shoes while his hand turned the doorknob before his figure left my house which made me sighed in relief.

I rushed back into my room and rummaged through my closets, looking for the attire I bought just now. I hurriedly put them on since I didn't want to lose sight of Tenko-nii. I had to be very sneaky to follow him in secret if I wanted my mission to be successful.

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