Chapter 31 - Heartbreak

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A/N- I'm changing "Midoriya" to "Izuku" now if these two are alone in 'Third Person's POV' because it was easier to write and sounds much nicer.

Short moment after Shigaraki is stopped,
Midoriya's Residence...

Third Person's POV

Izuku removed the bunny mask from her face, taking a deep breath to inhale the fresh air. She then turned to look at the light blue male; her boyfriend with seriousness clouding her freckled feature. Tenko, being the grumpy man he was, frowned his eyebrows in irritation while glaring dagger at his green girlfriend. A heavy sigh left her luscious lips as she stared at the man child in regret; Regret of not noticing his dark emotions.

"I'm sorry, Tenko-nii... But I do this for your sake too." Izuku spoke up in soft voice while her hands work to remove the handcuff that restrained Tenko's freedom. But as soon as she freed him, Tenko shoved Izuku away from him brutally, causing the greenheaded-girl to stumble back. The ashen blue haired-male put on his special gloves that his master made for him to avoid him from decaying anything he touched without his will. "You'll pay for this, Icchan." He murmured under his breath huskily.

Izuku hissed in pain while rubbing her dizzy head, caused by the impact of the fall. Tenko stomped toward Izuku and scooped the younger girl into his strong arms, making her yelped in surprise. He walked to her spacious bed and threw her in it roughly.

"Tenko-nii, what are you--" Izuku was quiet when Tenko aggresively kissed her. She struggled to push him back but the adult man already gripped her small, slender wrists firmly with powerful force. He pushed Izuku to lay her on the bed with him on top of her.

Izuku knew what Tenko was going to do and was really scared of it. She wasn't in the mood to do it with him but this manchild decided to ignore her feelings.

Tenko broke apart from Izuku, a string of saliva attached their lips. Izuku breathed heavily, gasping for air. She looked into his fury blood red iris in fear. His eyes were merciless, not gentle nor kind. They were the eyes of evil; the demon. This sigh showed that Tenko was terrifyingly mad at her.

"T-Tenko-nii, please stop..." She pleaded in croaky voice, shaking heavily under him.

Tenko didn't seem to care about her pleading and instead of stopping, he ripped off her black hoodie and shorts, exposing her smooth skin and her light green undergarments. He stared at her hourglass-like body. Izuku covered her chest and clenched her legs together to protect herself from this mad man. "N-NO!" She screamed extremely loudly to defend herself.

Tenko groaned in irritation and started to discard his tops, tossing it somewhere else in this geeky room. He removed Izuku's arms from her chest, grapsing her wrists and pinned them on both side of her head, crashing his crusty lips on his lover's soft one. Tenko placed his knees between Izuku's soft thighs.

Izuku's harlequin eyes began flooding with globs of tears as she right now unwillingly did this with her boyfrned. She just wanted this tormenting moments to stop. She didn't want to end up hating him for doing this withput her consent.

As they both broke apart,Tenko noticed Izuku's crystal tears rolling down her flushed red cheeks. She sobbed silently, clamping her face with her palms to hide her tears. Tenko finally regained his sense as a rush of guilt hit him hard. "I-Icchan... I-I'm so sorry, sweetie!" Tenko apologized frantically as his hands grasped Izuku's shoulders to help her sit her up on the bed. Izuku sniffled as a response, crying in sorrow.

Tenko proceeded to remove Izuku's hands from her face even though she tried to fight back. Izuku's tears could be seen, flowing down from her green forest iris like a waterfall. "Baby, I'm really sorry about this... I-I don't know what's gotten into me..." He apologized again im regret.

Tenko really regretted his action. He almost raped his own girlfriend; the one and only woman he loved. He had never felt so furious before until the point he couldn't control his emotions anymore.

Izuku still didn't answer her boyfriend. Tenko wiped off her tears, gently brushing his slender long fingers on her beautiful face. Izuku slowly opened her eyes back, gazing into his red one with her watery green eyes.

"Izuku..." Tenko uttered Izuku's first name in gentle voice yet full of sympathy. He slowly narrowed the gaps between their faces to lock his lips but called off his intention when he noticed Izuku's face darkened, clouded with grief.

'Shs is extremely offended...' Tenko thought in guilt, reminiscencing his unpredictable action just now. Tenko unwillingly released  Izuku's shoulders from his grips. He got off of the bed, wearing his black top back. "Sorry, Icchan..." He muttered in apologetic tone for the third time and still, no answer from her, not even a single word left her mouth. She just sat there, looking down on her bed not moving an inch. Her thick green locks foreshadow her eyes, showing how despair and offended she was.

Tenko stared at his girlfriend in heartbreak. He realized this was his own fault, he was too immature, childish, overprotective and possesive over Izuku. And all of these traits of him drove him to fo insane thing; killing. He even willingly broke his promise he made with Izuku just to satisfy his selfish desires and now he had to face the consequence.

"Goodbye, Icchan... I-If this what you want, t-then I won't bother you anymore..." Tenko said in sadness, a bitter smile plastered on his feature. Izuku seemed to be triggered by his painful words.

Tenko turned the doorknob, cricking opened the door slowly. He left Izuku's nerdy room in grief. "Tenko-nii--" Before Izuku could finish her sentence, Tenko already left her room.

Tears welled up her eyes once again, realizing that she had lost it; the precious treasure in her life, the missing piece that completed her heart, the light that shone brightly in her bland grey world; the warmth that embraced her cold night, the one that cure her loneliness, her one and only Tenko-nii.

Izuku couldn't believe it. She lost him again. She broke his heart again. She defied him again. Like back then; the day he asked her to be a villain.

Izuku's hands scrunched up the blanket firmly. "TENKO-NII!!!!" She cried out hysterically. Ters of frustration wouldn't stop falling from her eyes as she realized...

Both of their worlds slowly collapsed deeper into the pitch black darkness...


A/N- Sorry for the short chapter. Um, I hope it's not to heartbroken/depressing. It's just a sad chapter okay. So I hope you don't cry. *wipe off my tears* hahahah...

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