Chapter 34 - How Did...You Know?

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Hosu City,
In the alleyway,

Midoriya's POV

My body trembled as I was laying on the ground, watching Stain slowly stepping closer to Iida-kun. I couldn't move even a muscle due to Stain's Quirk.

H-He paralyzed people by licking their blood!

"Please stop!" I yelled, trying to stop this hero killer from ending my friend's life. He pointed the tip of his sword on Iida-kun's face, making me shivered in fear. "STOP!" I yelled again and all of a sudden, a spiral of flame blasted toward Stain. He stepped back by jumping from Iida-kun.

"Midoriya, you should give me more details about this. You make me late." Todoroki-kun said, his right hand holding his hand while his lift side was engulfed with fury flame.

"T-Todoroki-kun?! What are you doing here?! And you... Even use your left side...!" I gasped in shock at this unbelievable sight. Todoroki-kun, who swore to himself not to use his left side finally released his fire!

"So, what if I am?" Todoroki-kun retorted, charging toward Stain with his hand burning with flame. "You wanna say you were in deep trouble and seeking for help, right? Don't worry! Proes will come here in few minutes!" He informed me in reassuring tone while he kept fighting hero killer and at the same time, protecting us.

I hope... We can make it out of here alive!


A few minutes later,
After Stain's defeated...

Tenko's / Tomura's POV

I watched the Noumus, one by one was already defeated which enraged me. "Damn it! Why did they lose?!" I cursed under my breath. I kept watching around until a certain figure that I knew very well caught my attention.

What the heck?! What is Icchan doing there?!

She was caught by my Noumu?!

And that bastard hero killer freaking killed it!

"Icchan..." I mumbled in worry as I kept observing her who was struggling under Stain. I gritted my teeth in frustration. "Shigaraki? What's wrong?" Kurogiri asked me, perharps he noticed my strange behaviour. "My girl is almost killed by our Noumu! Damn it!" I cursed again as all of my fingers gripped the binocular, causing it to disintegrate and turned into dust.

"Your girl...?" Kurogiri stared at me confusedly. He shifted his glowing golden eyes to the direction where hero killer was. He took out his binocular and observed the inicident. I heard him gasping slightly. "Your girlfriend... Is a UA student?" He looked at me, sounding disbelief.

"Yeah, so what if she is?! Damn it, let's go back!" I ordered furiously and Kurogiri, being the loyal manservant he was, opened his portal without asking any question. I entered it, my body was consumed by the black mist.

Icchan probably hates me now...


Two days after the incident,
Hospital of Hosu...

Midoriya's POV

I only stared at Todoroki-kun who was packing in his belongings. He was leaving today to continue his internship since he was already fully healed which made me felt a little sad. I was going to be left alone after this.

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