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Kagami almost sighs in happiness when Team 7 walks through Konoha's village gates. She was sick of the bickering and the random questions that would catch her off guard. But what was stopping her the most was and thought that she needed to get leave the group too soon. As it was time for her interrogation, all because of that one man.

Kagami splits from the group as Kakashi leaves to report to the Hokage. The three Genin of the team don't seem to notice, as they are busy fighting among themselves. Kagami pulls out her Anbu mask and puts it on, hoping for no one to notice or recognise her. She slides through a covered doorway, one that leads you through the building and straight into the he interrogation rooms instead of the usual intelligence area. She quickly yet quietly makes her way to her designated area, she checks the room twice before walking into it.

Interrogation Room 6

"Ibiki," she bows to him, "Inoichi."

They briefly bow back to her before sitting down on one side of the table, gesturing her to sit down across from them. She's known these two for a while, Ibiki because she's brought criminals to him countless times. The same goes for Inoichi, but she would be assigned to missions with his team every once in a while as well. She sits down silently and places her hands on the table, knowing the protocol well. Using one hand she pulls off her pouch and places it in front of her, along with every other weapon concealed on her person.

Inoichi almost sweat-drops as the table makes a creaking noise underneath the weight. He sweeps them off the table and into a bag, grunting a little as he has trouble pushing the mountain of metal across the table.

"Kagami, Anbu mask," Ibiki opens him hand towards her. She pulls it off and hands it over to him. "Hair tie as well."

Kagami gives him a small glare before pulling the band out of her hair and handing it over to him. He drops it into the bag along with her mask.

"As you are aware, a A-rank criminal mentioned knowing you during his trial. He also said he was in love with you. It would seem he if as of 20 years old than you. Is any of this information true?" Ibiki stares Kagami down.

She shakes her head, "I have never met him before. The only time I did was to capture him during my mission. He was conscious for 12 seconds."

"How long ago was this mission?"

"Five weeks."

"And how come he was only trialed two weeks ago?"

"That decision is left up to Danzo-sama. He chooses when the Hokage is notified and when the trial begins. I believe he kept him in longer for information. In which I believe he would hand over to you." Kagami doesn't react to what she says, even though she knows this is very illegal.

"No information was handed over to us, and I don't believe it ever will." Ibiki stares me down.

"I'm not surprised," she mumbles, blinking slowly.

"You never seem to be," Inoichi chuckles, leaning back in his chair.

"Now, is there any reason why someone would be willing to kill you? Or frame you?" Ibiki leans forward, his hand knitted together on the table.

Kagami stares at him for a second before nodding, "As I was a prisoner of Orochimaru, I could be a follower of him trying to capture me. Or simply someone trying stir up the power base of this village." Kagami glances between the two, hoping for them not to have a drastic reaction.

To her happiness, neither of them did, Ibiki just sighed and scratched his headband.

"Any other information you believe we should know?" Ibiki doesn't expect her to answer, but she likes to surprise people.

"During the trial. . . . I was in a mask, my hair was covered and I had the Anbu uniform on. But most of the time he looked me straight in the eyes. As if he knew something I didn't." Kagami blinks, one eyebrow raised in wonder.

Ibiki stares at the girl a little longer before checking his watch, "Let's go Inoichi," he sighs, "We have 10 minutes."

Inoichi looks over at Kagami, who nods and sits up straight.

"Protocol is protocol," Inoichi frowns at her statement, but brushes it off quickly.

"See you soon."


Kagami waves slightly at the two before she leaves, quietly closing the door behind her. Inoichi waits a few seconds before turning to Ibiki, his frown deeper than before.

"Ibiki, that girls mind. . ."

"Is very different to many." He ends the sentence for him.

Both men let out synchronised sighs.


Kagami walks peacefully around the village, speedily placing her weapons back one at a time

"Oof!" Just as she pulls out a kunai a body lands right on top of her. She blinks a few times, trying to wrap her head around the fact that someone knocked her over. She picks herself up, the person being pushed off her heavily.

She turns around to face the person; Kiba Inuzuka. He groans and rolls over, his face caked with dirt and dust. He opens his mouth and runs his fingers over it, scratching all the dirt off his tongue. He spits for a minute before he freezes, his eyes sliding over to Kagami in fright.

He bolts up onto his feet so quickly Kagami has trouble keeping up with him. She sighs and turns around, ready to leave, but is stopped by an interesting chakra. She turns her head to the side to stare at a flying bug staring at her.

She stare at it for a second before her eyes dart just behind it and to the right, spotting the to-be-tracker-nin eyeing her as she looks at the bug. She notices that the bugs chakra is identical to his.

'So it's his bug. . .'

'That's absolutely disgusting.'

'Masaru, it's most likely a Kekkei Genkai.'

'Ohh. . .'



"Please keep your bugs away from me, they distract me from working." Kagami politely tells Shino before turning again and heading off to leave before she is stopped again.

As she walks away, Kiba and Shino stare at her back. The two staying silent between themselves. When she is a safe distance away from them, Kiba opens his mouth.

"What a weirdo."

Immediately, a kunai wizzes past his face, as another lands at his feet, a tag angling from the handle. Four words carelessly written across the paper. Four words that scare the two boys, Kiba the most.

'I can hear you'



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