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Ally POV


"What, Dinah?" I said.

We were currently at our penthouse. We were just hanging around at the living room.

"It's time for you to confess your feelings." she said. "Right now."

"I won't." I said, frustrated.

We've been talking about this for hours.

"You should" she said.

"What if she says that she doesn't feel the same way?" I asked, scared.

"I'm pretty sure she feels the same" Dinah said.

I sighed.

"I know you're scared" Dinah said. "But you need to do this."

"I might ruin our friendship" I said.

"Ruin it then, but never hide how you feel!" she said, desperate.

"Fine! I'll call her" I said.

With trembling hands, I dialed _____'s number.

"Yeah?" _____ asked.

"Ally here!" I said.

"Oh! Hey there, Ally! How are you?"


"I'm cool. I'm cool."


"I was wondering if we could go get something to eat." I said.

"Sure! When and where?" She asked.

I looked at Dinah.

"Now." Dinah said lowly.

"Could we go right now?"

"Right now like... now?" She asked, laughing a bit.

"Yeah?" I said insecure. I cleared my throat. "I mean, yeah." I said a bit more firm.

She laughed.

"Sure. I'll be with you in a minute. I'm close by your penthouse." She said.

"Nice. I'll be waiting." I said.

"Okay." She answered.

She hung the phone.

"You're so nervous that is kinda cute." Dinah said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes.


Time flew. Someone knocked the door. I'm pretty sure _____ arrived.
I opened the door to find her with chocolates.

"These are for you." She said, handing me the chocolates.

"Thanks _____" I said.

I hugged her and kiss her cheek. She hugged and kissed me back.
I put the gifts on my bedroom then came back to _____.

"You ready?" _____ asked.

"Yes, I am."

I'm nervous.


¡Hola! ¿Qué les pareció? No lo hice muy largo. Intenté usar las palabras más básicas que pude.

Aún no sé si hacer un nuevo libro específico para los shots en inglés o ponerlos aquí, ¿qué opinan?

Me tardé porque la redacción es diferente. Las comas, los puntos, las comillas... todo. Tuve que leer muchos diálogos en inglés, y leer sus reglas ortográficas para diálogos, y corregir algunas cosas... así que hice mi mejor esfuerzo.

Siéntanse libres de retroalimentar este mini-shot.


UPDATE: Ya está este one-shot en un libro aparte.

Imaginas & One-shots de Fifth HarmonyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora