The Empire Strikes Back

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They took another cab to the woods where the zephyr was hidden. They walked into the trees, until the road was out of sight.

Elina was waiting for them in the zephyr and when she saw them coming, she turned off the cloaking device.

"This is a space ship?" Hunter asked. "It looks like a quin jet."

"It was, but Fitz and I made some special modifications," said Jemma.

"Nice," said Hunter.

They all boarded the zephyr. Daisy went to the cockpit. She turned the cloaking device back on. Then she lifted off. She needed to get the zephyr away from the city. Once they were clear, she turned on the auto pilot.

"So, we're heading to find our friend who's frozen in space this seems familiar," said Hunter.

"Yeah," Mack agreed. "The Empire Strikes Back."

"He's Han Solo ..." he turned to Simmons. " ... and you're Princess Leia."

Jemma gave him a small, shy smile.

"Even though I can't really picture Fitz being the Han Solo type." Hunter went on.

"You should have seen him in the future!" said Daisy. "He went undercover as a bounty hunter, he was the Han Solo type then."

Jemma smiled. "Fitz would be so excited if he knew that we thought he was like Han Solo," she said.

"He's not used to being a hero," said Daisy. "He just never realized that he always was one."

Jemma smiled sadly.

"I've always thought of him as a hero," said Mack. "But also saw him as a little brother."

Daisy nodded. "Me too," she agreed.

"From the first time I met him, I just wanted to protect him," said Mack. "But I couldn't protect him. I tried to help him, but there was nothing I could do. I've never felt so helpless in my life." Tears formed in his eyes.

Elina walked over to him and patted him on the back to comfort him.

"You were there for him, when he needed you most, Mack," said Jemma.

"I miss him too." Hunter agreed.

"So, where is he?" Daisy asked.

Hunter handed her a piece of paper. "This is the coordinates," he said.

She nodded. Then she went to the cockpit to type in the coordinates.

No Matter The Odds: An An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Story ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now