The Bounty Hunters

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"We can take them," said Hunter. "There are only two of them."

"They're Kree," Bobbi answered.

"So?" Hunter asked.

"There are probably a lot more of them," Daisy pointed out.

Mack nodded. "Didn't you hear them say that they were bringing him to their master?"

"We need a plan," said Jemma.

"I have just the thing," Hunter replied.

"Shhh," Mack warned.

"What?" Hunter asked.

"Shhhhhhh!" Mack said, louder. He gestured towards the door where the Kree had taken Fitz.

The door opened and three Kree came out. Two of them were the ones who had taken Fitz.

Suddenly two figures came down the hall to meet the three Kree. They were different from Kree. They wore leather clothes and metal masks.

"Bounty hunters," Daisy whispered.

Elina nodded.

"I don't see why we can't just kill him," said one of the Kree.

"You heard the master," the second replied. "We have to keep him alive so that we can bait his friends here, the master wants them all dead."

"I have to say it's a pretty good plan," said the third Kree.

"But what if his friends don't come looking for him?"

"That's why we're here," one of the bounty hunters answered. 

"We will begin searching for them immediately," added the second.

"Do you really think that two bounty hunters will be enough to find all of them?" asked the first Kree.

"One of the bounty hunters raised a ray gun and pointed it at the Kree. "Do not underestimate us, Kree," he said in a gruff voice.

His comrade placed his hand on his ray gun and lowered it. "And you underestimate our numbers," he added. "Your master has sent word across the galaxy, there's a high price on them. Bounty hunters from everywhere will be looking for them. But my brother and I wants to beat them to it."

The Kree nodded, then they all walked towards the landing bay.

Mack sighed with relief, they had almost been caught.

No Matter The Odds: An An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Story ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now