You're My Family

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"So how did you stop the end of the world?" Fitz asked.
"We." Simmons corrected him with a small smile.
Fitz smiled back at her. "How did we stop the end of the world?" He asked.
"We learned that Daisy wasn't the Destroyer of worlds, General Talbot was." Said Mack. "She didn't want to have her powers turned back on because she was afraid that she would crack the earth apart. But you removed the device that was stopping her from using her powers." Mack explained, careful not to mention anything about him becoming the doctor.
"Coulson secretly gave me the medicine that we had gotten for him, and because of that I was able to stop General Talbot." Said Daisy.
"While Daisy was fighting Talbot, me, you, and May went to save Robin and her mother." Mack told Fitz. "I went to get them out, while you and May waited."
"But you were worried about Mack and Robin's mother because you knew that they weren't alive in the future." Said May. "So you suggested that we should go check on them."
"You and May helped me get Robin and her mother out." Said Mack. "As we were coming out, you went last to make sure that we got out okay. But as you were coming through the door the roof collapsed on you."
Simmons grimaced, this part of the story was very painful for her to hear. She reached over and grabbed Fitz's hand and squeezed it.
"You died... saving my life." Mack said, tears filling his eyes.
"Mack, you're one of my best friends." Said Fitz. "I would gladly give my life to save you again if it came to it."
Mack nodded, he would have done the same for Fitz in his place.
Fitz looked around "I would do the same for all of you." He said. "You're my family."
"We're just glad to have you back." Said May. She had watched Fitz die and it was more painful than any physical wound she had ever received. She came over and hugged Fitz, surprising him. Within a few moments all of his friends had gathered around him in a group hug. He hadn't expected that anyone but Simmons would be happy to see him after he helped to create the LMDs that almost killed them and nearly destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D. But he was glad that they cared about him as much as he cared about them.

No Matter The Odds: An An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Story ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now