The Future

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"So what was the future like?" Hunter asked them, as the zephyr took off.

"Are you sure you want to know, Hunter?" Bobbi asked.

"It was awful," said Elina.

"Terrible," Jemma added.

"How?" Hunter asked.

"The world was spilt open," said Mack.

Hunter's jaw dropped.

"So everyone had to live in the lighthouse, a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base designed to withstand anything." Simmons added.

"And we were being ruled by a bunch of blue aliens." Elina added.

Hunter's jaw dropped even farther. He looked at Simmons for confirmation.

She nodded. "Kree."

"Sorry I asked," said Hunter. "Wait what became of the team?"

"I was still alive because the kree were experimenting on me," said Elina.

"That's not good," said Hunter.

"I died, apparently," said Mack.

"That's even worse," Hunter replied.

"Fitz and I had a grandson," said Jemma.

"Awe," said Bobbi. "Congrats."

Jemma smiled sadly. Deke was gone, she didn't know if he even existed anymore.

"You met your future grandson!" Hunter exclaimed. "What was he like?"

"His name was Deke, and he was wonderful," said Jemma.

"Wait," said Mack, and everyone turned to look at him. "Deke was your grandson?" he asked, with wide eyes.

"And Fitz's," she answered.

"What?" he asked in shock.

"Yep," said Daisy walking into the room.

He looked around to see that he was the only one with a shocked expression on his face. "Am I the only one who didn't know about this?"

"Fitzsimmons told me," said Elina.

Jemma smiled hearing the combination of their names. They were always together so when people talked about them, their names, they often ran together. That was why she had wanted to combine their names when they got married.

Mack looked at Daisy.

"Deke told me," she explained.

"Why am I always the last to know?" Mack asked.

"May and Coulson didn't know either," said Jemma.

But Mack looked at Elina. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you would over react," Elina replied.

"Over react?" he asked. "It's kind of hard not to, after learning that!"

Elina shrugged.

"Well how did you react?" he asked her.

"I apologized," she answered.

"Wait, why would you apologize?" Hunter asked, becoming more and more confused.

"He was a little strange," said Elina.

Hunter looked at Jemma. "He was perfect," she said. Bobbi smiled, she tell Simmons was proud of her grandson, no matter what everyone else thought.

"Well, how did Turbo react?" Mack asked.

Everyone looked at Simmons. "He was shocked," she said, smiling as she remembered the look on his face. "Speechless, actually."

"With good reason," said Mack. "How did you react?" he asked Simmons.

"I ..." She hesitated for a long moment. "I ... threw up."

Hunter's eyes widened.

Mack turned to Elina. "See I'm not the only one to 'overreact'."

"I did not think it was my place to tell," she said.

Mack looked at Simmons.

"Fitz didn't want me to tell anyone, I think he was embarrassed," she explained.

Mack nodded. "I would be too."

"I think I would like to meet this Deke," said Hunter.

"Unfortunately he disappeared," said Simmons.

"It was Thanos wasn't it?" Hunter asked.

"No, when Fitz died and we changed the future, the future he was from no longer existed, so he disappeared," she explained.

"Oh," Hunter said, pretending to understand.

"It's like back to the future," Mack explained.

"Oh!" said Hunter, understanding. "Like if Marty didn't get his parents together, he would have disappeared."

Mack nodded.

Bobbi shook her head. Hunter didn't understand science, but he understood movie references.

No Matter The Odds: An An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Story ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now