What Should We Do Now?

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Daisy set the zephyr to autopilot, then came to the back to join her friends.
"What should we do now?" Elina asked.
"Shouldn't we find a way to get back to the past?" Fitz asked.
"I think we need to tell Turbo what happened, before we do anything else." Said Mack.
"That sounds like a good idea," said Fitz, he was still confused.
"You might want to sit down." Said Simmons. "It's a long story."
"Good idea." Coulson agreed.
They all found a chair, and pulled it into a large circle. Then they sat down.
Mack thought for a moment. "A lot happened, so we'll give you the highlights." He said. "We didn't know where we were at first, but finally we realized that we were in the future. But we soon discovered that the earth had been blown to pieces and everyone was living in the lighthouse. But it had been taken over by Kree."
"Kasius was their Leader." Daisy added.
"Is he the one who kidnapped Simmons?" Fitz asked.
"Yes," Jemma answered.
"I hate that guy." Said Fitz.
"Me too." Simmons and Daisy agreed at the same time.
"We almost got in trouble with Kree, but Deke helped us." Said Simmons.
"Deke?" Fitz asked.
"Someone who lived on the lighthouse." Said Mack.
"But eventually the Kree did catch me and Simmons." Said Daisy.
"How did he catch you?" Fitz asked.
"Well, one of Kasius' servants was almost killed when people started fighting for food. Simmons saved him with her medical knowledge, but she got caught because no one knew how to doctor some one the way she did, in the future." Daisy explained. "And I got turned in." She added, not wanting to say that it was Deke who turned her in.
"Kasius turned me into his slave... twice." Said Simmons.
"And he put a device on my ear so that he could control my powers. All of the inhumans were being kept prisoner and forced to fight for sport." Daisy added. "They called me the destroyer of worlds, they said that I was the one who blew the earth to pieces."
"You did it?" Fitz asked. "Why?"
Mack held up a hand to stop his questions. "We'll get to that in a moment." He said.
"While Daisy and Simmons were captured by Kree, the rest of us had to fight to survive." Said Coulson.
"Then I had to fight Sinara." Said May.
"Which was awesome!" Said Coulson.
"Yes, I enjoyed it. Until my leg got hurt and I got caught." She said.
"Then you came, disguised as a bounty hunter." Said Daisy.
"Just like Han Solo." Said Mack smiling.
"Then you found me and tried to talk to me. But I couldn't hear you because Kasius had turned my hearing off with a small device that he had planted in my ears." Said Simmons. "But you tricked Kasius into turning my hearing back on."
"Then I had to fight an inhuman to the death." Said May. "While you watched." She added, a little bitterly.
"...What?" He began.
"Normally I could have beaten him, but my leg was hurt." Said May.
"And he could read your mind." Daisy added.
"Let's not forget that." May agreed. Then she turned to Fitz. "You stopped the fight. You called me an ancient has been." But she wasn't really made at him. She had watched him die. She was so glad to see him again, that she almost wanted to hug him.
"I..." Fitz began, but was interrupted again.
May continued to pretend to be mad at him. "So they sent me to the planets surface, where giant cockroaches lived." She continued.
"Sorry," said Fitz.
A rare smile appeared on May's face. "It's alright." She said.
"Then I had to fight Sinara, to the death." Said Daisy. "I had defeated Sinara, so I used my powers to lift myself up to the window where you, Simmons, Kasius, and some other spectators were. I was going to use my powers on Kasius. But he turned them off and I fell to the ground, hard. Then you rescued me and Simmons."
"I rescued you?" Fitz asked, surprised. "By myself?"
"You certainly did." Said Simmons.
"I told you that you were like Han Solo." Said Mack.
"Then you kissed Simmons." Said Daisy.
Fitz blushed slightly. He looked at Simmons, she was blushing too.
"And I asked you to marry me." She said.
"You asked me? That's strange, I planned to ask you the first moment I saw you." Said Fitz.
"So did I." Said Jemma.
"See, I told you that you two were physically linked!" Said Daisy.
Fitz smiled. "You were right." He said.

No Matter The Odds: An An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Story ✔️ (Editing) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя