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The Kree took Fitz to the dungeons. They threw him into the same cell that Mack was in.

"Mack?" said Fitz as the Kree slammed the cell door shut.

"Turbo!" Mack exclaimed. He ran and hugged him. He had always seen him as a little brother. He had always felt that it was his responsibility to protect him. But he hadn't been able to save him, and he blamed himself for it. Fit had died saving him. He was so glad to have him back that he could hardly find the words to say.

"It's good to see you," said Fitz, finding it difficult to breath because Mack was hugging him so tightly.

"You too," Mack answered, finally releasing him. He smiled at him for a moment, but his face quickly became worried. "Where's Simmons?"

"The Kree have her," Fitz answered.

"That evil little Kasius!" said Mack.

"Kasius?" Fitz asked.

"It's a long story, but he has caused a lot of trouble," Mack replied.

"Do you think that he will hurt Simmons?" Fitz asked.

Mack shook his head. "I don't think so. She's really smart, and that usually gains his respect."

Fitz nodded. "She is the smartest person I know."

Mack thought for a moment. Then he shook his head.  "I should have known that this would happen."

"What?" Fitz asked.

"That she would get caught," Mack answered. "But don't worry, so far everything is going according to Hunter's plan. A little too much in fact."

"Wait, Hunter? How did he get to the future?" Fitz asked.

"It's a long story, and a bit complicated," Mack answered. "Might be best I let Simmons tell you what happened." He knew that he could tell Fitz what had happened, and he really wanted to share everything with him but he knew that Simmons would want to tell him herself. About their wedding, and their grandson... and everything else that he had missed. Besides it was a really long story and they didn't really have time.

Fitz was still confused, but he nodded. "What does Hunter have planned?"

"You were frozen and captured by Kree. Kasius has hired bounty hunters to look for us. So, Hunter came up with a plan to rescue you from the Kree. Bobbi and Hunter are disguised as Kree. Simmons dressed up as a bounty hunter and turned me in. Then when the Kree left the room, she unfroze you."

"Wait... that sounds familiar."

Mack nodded.

Fitz thought for a moment. "Star Wars!" he exclaimed.

Mack nodded. "Hunter got the idea from the return of the Jedi. That's why I said that it was going a little too according to plan, because now Simmons has been..."

"...enslaved by aliens." Fitz finished. "What are we going to do? I have to save her."

"Don't worry, Hunter came up with a plan in case this happened. We have back up." Mack made a quotation mark gesture. "The Jedi."

No Matter The Odds: An An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Story ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now