I Hope This Works

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They had found everything that they needed in a supply closet.

Now they stood in the same corner where they had watched the Kree take Fitz to their master. They watched as Bobbi and Hunter approached the door. They were wearing the Kree clothing that they had found in the supply closet. And their faces were painted blue. Daisy had seen more than her share of Kree in her life, and she had to admit that they looked pretty convincing to her. She just hoped that they would be able to fool the Kree.

"I hope this works," she whispered.

"Me too," Jemma agreed.

Bobbi and Hunter went through the door and were lost from their sight, they could only hope that they were safe.

When they entered the room, they could now see the master the Kree served. He was a Kree, with pale blue skin and black hair.

Standing next to him was a beautiful Kree woman, her skin was blue, except the skin around her eyes which was white. Her black hair was long ponytail. In her hand she held two round metal balls.

Bobbi scanned them both quickly and decided that the woman was the one they would have to watch out for. She watched the two of them a little suspiciously at first, but then Bobbi noticed a group of Kree guards standing along a wall to their right. She quickly walked over to stand next to them, acting as if she was doing exactly what she was supposed to be. Hunter followed her example and stood against the wall next to her. The girl Kree seemed to loose interest in them.

Suddenly something on the opposite wall caught Hunter's attention. Leaned against the wall was Fitz, still frozen. On either side of him was a Kree guard.

Hunter gasped. "Just like..."

"Shhh," Bobbi interrupted.

Hunter closed his mouth and tried to act normal. But it was difficult, he was excited and worried all at the same time. The first part of his plan had gone well, he just hoped the rest would work out as smoothly.

No Matter The Odds: An An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Story ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now