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Daisy walked down the hall. It was empty, but she knew that she was headed in the right direction.
Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around slowly to see three Kree walking towards her.
"Isn't she one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents?" Asked one of the Kree.
Daisy stretched her hand out towards them. She used her powers to push them against the wall. They hit the wall hard, and fell unconscious.
She knew that she had to hide them, if anyone found the unconscious Kree, they would know that she was here. A few moments later, she found a closet large enough to hide them in. One by one, she pulled the unconscious Kree into a closet. The closet was several yards away from where she had knocked the Kree out, so it took her several minutes. But finally she had them safely locked away.
Just as she closed the closet door, she heard someone approaching. She quickly hid in a corner and watched as a group of Kree guards passed by. They were fallowed by a group of servants carrying platers of food and jugs of water.
Simmons was with them. She was wearing a pale blue tunic. Her hair was pulled back and the top half of her face was painted gold.
Poor Simmons Daisy thought. She finally finds Fitz, only to be enslaved by Kasius again. She admired Fitz and Simmons, the worst things seemed to happen to them, but it only made their bond stronger. She couldn't let them be kept apart any longer, she had to free Simmons so that she and Fitz could finally be together. She considered attacking the Kree guards to free her, but there were at least fifteen of them and she knew that she would be badly outnumbered. If she waited until they went into the room where Kasius was, she would have Hunter and Bobbi to help her. Of course she didn't like the idea of having to fight Sinara... again.
She watched the group walk down the hall, until they were out of sight.

No Matter The Odds: An An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Story ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now