Chapter 2

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She's on the floor, still asleep, and not making any show that she'll be waking up soon.

It's been 2 hours and, despite myself, I decided to let her rest.

We tell the soldier standing guard outside the door to wake her up in an hour, then bring her to a secluded room.

He was surprised and annoyed that we would keep moving her around, but of course, he didn't say anything.

So now me and Aaron are sitting in another room, as she is pushed into it, with so much force she falls onto the concrete floor. Weston, one of the soldiers, has his boot pressed against the back of her frail body.

"Juliette Ferrars," My brothers voice detonates off the walls. We have 8 soldiers in the room now, rifles drawn. She can hardly lift her head to look at us.

I speak next, "Weston, dim the lights and release her." She looks up, and stares in disbelief, and I assume it's because of how young we are.

I'm only 19 years old, as is my brother, and although we're the CCRs of the sector, most of our soldiers are our seniors.

Her eyes linger on Aaron a moment longer. I get it. I guess some people might refer to us as 'good-looking' and there are hardly any women here to mindlessly stare at my brother, so I understand her hesitation.

Me, and the other hand, has had to punish a lot of soldiers and workers for giving me the same treatment.

But then I feel it; hate. Obviously I can see why she hates us, like most people do, but for some reason, her reaction surprises me.

Somethings nags at me, willing me to conjure up why, why it's so shocking, but I have no idea. I only know a few more things than Aaron.

All I know of Juliette's birth parents, is that they are extremely loyal to The Reestablishment, and have connections with the Supreme Commanders.

It's Aaron who speaks first, "You're so stubborn." He leans forward, "You never want to cooperate. You wouldn't even play nice with your roommate."

She flinches involuntarily, and he stares at her, but she looks away, heat creeping up her features.

"Well isn't that interesting." He says, and I snap my fingers, startling everyone.

"Kent, would you step foreword please." I say. One of the things me and my brother mutually agree on is that we feel somewhat uncomfortable around Kent.

We'll never bring up the issue, but we've always been able to tell what someone is thinking, feeling, whether their lying or telling the truth;what makes them tick. But with Kent, we never can.

He seems to be devoid of any emotion, or complicated thought. But he's a decent soldier so we put all suspicions aside. For the moment.

All the color drains form Juliette's face, and she looks mortified, horrified, as Kent steps forward.

"Ma'am. Sir." I look at him, nod my head toward Juliette, and say, "It seems you made quite the impression on her."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Juliette narrow her eyes, and I realize she must be looking at our military momentos.

Kent doesn't respond, and me and Aaron raise our eyebrows at the same time.

"You have nothing to say about that?" Aaron says. Kent clenches his jaw, "Sir." I'm suddenly getting bored, and I can tell Aaron is too. 

"Of course." He says, "Why should I expect you to have something to say?" I let out a half laugh, but it has no humor behind it.

Surprisingly, Juliette is the next to speak. "Are you going to kill me?" A soldier slams the butt of his gun into her spine.

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