Chapter 13

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Aaron and I are standing in a kitchen, in an abandoned house on Sycamore street, away from regulated ground.

We are waiting for Juliette to arrive.

Our father said he told them to have her bare no company, but of course, he thinks she will. I can't help but strongly disagree.

I don't know what she's been learning at this new place, but considering it's full of people with gifts, I suggest that she would have had help by now, with her own ability.

Not her lethal touch, but her strength, after having it suppressed for her whole life, along with her masked anger.

But of course, she repeatedly told us how she would never hurt anyone, not on purpose.

I don't believe that.

I don't know how much later, but I hear the clock tick noon, and hear my fathers shuffled steps as he makes his way towards the door.

He swings it open, and I strain to listen to what he says.

"Oh good. You're right on time."

He invites her in, says, "It's refreshing, really. To see that the youth still value things like punctuality. It's always so frustrating when people waste my time."

I can almost hear him smile. There's a long pause, then, "Oh wait," He says, "Just one more thing."

She begins to speak, but never gets the chance to finish. We here a small thud, a clanking noise—the sound a gun makes, when you unholster it—and then another loud thump, like the sound of a body falling, and I hold my breath.

Hoping he hasn't killed her.

And then we hear it—someone coughing, wheezing, gasping for air.

And Aaron lets out a long breath of relief.

He tells her to take a seat.

"Where are the hostages?" She can hardly speak.

"They're fine," He says, causally.

"They'll be just fine. Are you sure you won't sit down?"

"What-" she tries to clear her throat. Bad idea.

"What do you want from me?" She asks.

"You know, I'm not entirely sure anymore."

I'm confused, and I look to Aaron but he's no better.

"What?" She asks.

"Well you've certainly figured out that all this is just a distraction right? Surely you've realized that my ultimate goal was to lure your people out into my territory? My men are just waiting for one word.

One word from me and they will seek out and destroy all of your little friends waiting so patiently within this half-mile radius."

He laughs. "If you think I don't know exactly what's going on in my own land, young lady, you are quite mistaken. I've let these freaks live too freely among us, and it was my mistake. They're causing me too much trouble, and now it's time to take them out."

"I am one of those freaks." She says, and I silently will her to be quiet.

"Why did you bring me here if all you want is to kill us? Why me? You didn't have to single me out."

"You're right." He says.

A ruffle of noise signifies he's stood up.

"I came here with a purpose: to clean up the mess my children made, and to finally put an end to the naive efforts of a group of idiotic aberrations. To erase the lot of you from this sorry world.

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