Chapter 9

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I'm sitting in my room, door locked.

Our father demanded Aaron and I shower, and stay in our rooms until he comes to get us.

At one point, I heard Aaron leave his room, only to come back a half hour later.


He came back, and it was obvious he was hiding something.

I peaked out the door when he arrived back at his room, and as he entered, I saw him take out a small, square notebook, out of his pocket.

It looked old, and I highly doubt it's his. I wonder who it belongs to, but I don't have to think for long.

It must be Juliette's, the one she had in the asylum.

We could never see it clearly on the cameras, but we knew it existed.

I hear a knock on my door, and my heart drops, thinking it's my father.

I open it.

It's Aaron.

I let out a quick breath. "Assembly."

Is all he says, and I nod. "Give me a second."

I quickly go to grab some heels, already wearing a silky crimson blouse, dark blue skinny jeans, diamond earrings, and sporting curled hair, I go for my 8-inch black-laced heels.

Our father expects us to look our best always, no matter what.

I take my gun out of its place in my drawer; the one with my initials engraved.

I replace the half empty clip with a full one, and hesitate about putting it in my holster. I decide against it, and measly carry it at my side.

We walk together, side by side.

Before I know it, we're on the roof, standing 15 feet above the rows and rows of perfectly organized lines.

"Sector 45." I say.

And they all shift at once, dropping their left hands off their chests and replacing it with their right.

"We have a number of important matters to discuss today," Aaron tells them. "the first of which is readily apparent."

He gestures to his arm. Their traitorous thoughts are obvious.

They think we are simply deranged children.

They do not respect us; they are not loyal to us.

We stand before them, angry, that Aaron is not dead of his wound.

But they do fear us.

That is all we require.

"I was injured," he says. "while in pursuit of two of our defecting soldiers. Private Adam Kent and Private Kenji Kishimoto collaborated their escape in an effort to abduct Juliette Ferrars, our newest transfer and critical asset to Sector 45.

They have been charged with the crime of unlawfully seizing and detaining Ms. Ferrars against her will. But, and most importantly, they have been rightly convicted of treason against The Reestablishment. When found, they will be executed on sight."

Terror is one of the easiest feelings to read, I realize.

Even on a soldiers stoic face. "Second," I say, slowly, "in an effort to expedite the process of stabilizing Sector 45, its citizens, and the ensuing chaos resulting from these recent disruptions, the supreme commander of The Reestablishment has joined us on base. He arrived,"

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