Chapter 18

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We arrive on the outskirts of regulated ground about an hour or so later.

It's pitch black, except for the faint glow of the moon, and it's ice cold outside.

We've been running almost nonstop since we left, and only stopped to walk once. I'm out of breath, and tired, but I'm not going to complain.

I know Aaron is too.

The main problem we're facing right now is to make it back to central command without getting shot by our soldiers who might confuse us for rebels or civilians.

We know we can't just walk through the city, so we walk far enough away, staying in the shadows, so we can get as close as possible to base.

On the walk there, I finally break the heavy silence that is between Aaron and I.

He hasn't spoken a word since we left. Juliette really must've screwed up. I knew we shouldn't trust her.

"Are you alright?"

He doesn't respond for a long time, and I don't think he's going to, until he says, "I don't know."

"What happened back there? Once I heard shouting, I walked over to see what it was about."

"How much did you hear?" He's asks quietly.

"You were telling her not to pity you."

He must see the flash of hurt in my eyes, no matter how hard I try not to show it.

"I wasn't including you, Alex. I was pissed, I had no idea you could hear me."

We're still walking, and about half a mile away I can see base.

I stop walking, forcing Aaron to stop as well.

"You don't have to tell me exactly what happened, but answer this," I pause, looking him in the eyes. "Why do you love her? Why do you keep coming back to her? She just keeps hurting you. And I hate to see you like this," I say, motioning to him.

"It doesn't make sense."

He's quiet for a long time.

"I told you earlier that I have my reasons. And when you said that I should be able to—sense emotions, I said I'd tell you later."

He runs a hand through his air and over his face, and lets out a long breath which causes a puff of air to rise and disappear into the cold night.

I've never seen him like this before.

"I can sense hers, strongly, as I can yours. And, I don't know, I could be completely wrong, but I don't believe I am,"

"What is it, Aaron?"

He takes a deep breath.

"Every time I'm around her, I can tell she's trying to do everything she can to hate me. But she says she can't. Over the past few days, she's told me she doesn't know how to hate me, not even if she wanted to, and I can sense the truth behind her words. And back on base, the same thing happened, where I felt her energy change around me."

He looks down at his hands as if they're the most fascinating thing in the world.

"And again, the night they escaped, in the garage...I felt the same thing. That is the only reason why I kissed her. I thought she felt the same way," his eyes narrow. "I had no idea that was because of Kent."

I stare at him for a moment.

I'm speechless.

So I just sit there, mouth useless, jaw dropped, trying-and failing-to find something to say.

"And I feel this connection with her, like when you've known someone your whole life."

He has no idea how close he is.

He has no idea who Juliette is, who her family is.

I've wanted to tell him for so long, but there would be no right time.

I believe what he's telling me, that he might be right about her, but there's no way for me to put truth to that, not yet anyway.

"I don't expect you to say anything," He says, trying to regain his composure. "You just deserved an explanation."

And he's walking again, faster than before, and I scramble to catch up.

We walk in silence until we reach the edge closest to base.

We already worked this out beforehand, so here we are, walking toward our own soldiers, arms in the air, whom of which have finally noticed us and are leveling their rifles.

"If you shoot us, you are as good as dead," Aaron says, voice booming over the area.

I hear whispers, and then about a dozen flashlights are on and pointing at us, blinding me so I have to shade my eyes with my hand.

"What the hell," I say.

I hear everyone quickly holster their guns, and shut off their flashlights with one loud click. At first I see spots, then my vision comes back.

We speed walk towards the steel doors, ordering the soldiers to open them.

We walk inside, going down a mess of familiar hallways filled with the confused and terrified faces of our soldiers.

As we're walking I yell to one of them, "Get Delalieu, tell him to find us, right away."

We arrive at our fathers door before no time, and I knock, waiting for him to open the door.

When we hear footsteps inside, I hear my heart  jump.

He starts opening the door and begins to say, "What the hell are you-" and he stops when he sees us, looking genuinely surprised.

"Well, well, well. You two aren't dead yet! I must admit, I'm more shocked than I should be. You are my children after all!"

He's smiling.

"Come in, Come in. Let me bring you up to speed."

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