Chapter 35

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Eva's POV

I'm gazing out the small window, partly obscured by the blinds. The small mix of white and blue is nearly blinding, but I don't look away, I need something to distract myself.

We've been in the air for 14 hours.

I should be sleeping, but I can't.
All I can think about is Alexis. She could be in danger. She could even be dead.

I shiver at my thoughts of her being in any kind of trouble. I think of all the things I forgot to tell her, even the little, insignificant details.

Suddenly, my head snaps up.


Damnit! I forgot to tell her. It's the main reason I came to Sector 45 in the first place, to warn her, inform her of the danger he'll bring.

Once word reaches Anderson is dead, there's no telling what extent he'll go to to try and kill whomever is responsible.

And that would be Juliette. My sister.

I can't let that happen. And I'm sure he'd go after Alexis and Aaron and everyone else—

I jump to my feet.

"Jack!" I yell, walking into the cockpit of the private plane.

He startles. "Miss Sommers, you're not supposed to be in here, is something wrong?"

"Change course," I say, desperate, but not letting it show.

"What?" He says, disbelieving. "What are you talking about?"

"We're going to London, England—" I pause, realizing my mistake as he widens his eyes, and as his body tenses. "Sector 347, Europe. Now."

He hesitates a moment, then, not wanting to defy me, "Right away, Ma'am."

I take a deep breath and close my eyes.
"What's our ETA?"

"Two hours," he says after clicking a few buttons and switches.

I nod and walk out of the cockpit.

I find myself reaching into the mini fridge and picking up a bottle of red wine. I don't bother to pour it into a cup.

I sit back down on one of the soft polyester chairs.

I stare out the window, my eyes taking in every detail and being completely unfocused at the same time.

I polish off the bottle just as the pilot, Jack, says to buckle up because we're about to land.

I replace my heels, long ago discarded, with tennis shoes, and prepare for the headache that I know is about to say hello due to the altitude change.

When we finally land, I let out a breath.

I don't know what to expect, and I only have a guess to where Nico is. It's a pretty accurate one, however.

I don't know many places where terrorists hide out.

The UK has always done things differently than the rest of the world. They're like their own colony. The only country with a current prime minister, and no commander.

The prime minister is still working with Supreme Commander Mishkin though, and she tells Anderson things, and all the other supremes, including my parents.

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