Chapter 16

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I'm sitting down, leaning against the bare cobblestone wall, when my 2 guards walk in, not a weapon in sight.

"Miss," the one on the right says.

"Yes?" I respond.

"We have orders from Castle." The other one says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"For you to be let go,"

I startle. "What? What do you mean let go?"

"I mean, you are free. You're now an Omega Point citizen."

"Why?" I stutter.

"Because," the right one says, looking annoyed, "you have an ability, he says you deserve to be treated with respect, hence the fact you are no longer a hostage."

Castle is way too trusting.

"And my brother?" I ask.

"He's also being released."

I jump up, and leave the room, first walking, then jogging, then sprinting down the hall, toward Aaron's room.

• • • • •

I run directly into Aaron, colliding with such force I nearly fall over, before he catches me.

I hear his guards snickering.

He lifts me upright and I don't let go of his hand.

We begin to walk the opposite way from the dorms, towards the dining hall.

We glance at each other, giving the look that says we'll talk about everything later.

As we near the dining hall, we hear yelling, angry voices.

I can only make out a few, but it doesn't matter because they are all saying the same thing anyway.

Kill them! They deserve it!
That'll show the supreme.

• • • • • •

The protesting doesn't stop, and Castle tries time and time again to silence them, defending us.

Eventually he succeeds, but only when he says something that I hoped he wouldn't have to.

He tells them that we have a gift, and everyone is shouting and asking him how he knows and he plans to prove it.

Then, a familiar voice speaks up. Kent. "How do you know? Have you tested them?"

His voice is angry, and I feel myself getting enraged. I can tell Aaron is too.

Castles quiet a moment then says, "Yes, we have tested them," I spot Juliette, and she looks pale and terrified.

"We know that they, like you, can touch Juliette.

Everyone is silent. No one says a word, just looks at Juliette, disbelieving.

Kent looks more than pissed.

He begins to charge out of the room, in our direction.

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