Chapter 38

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Alex's POV

My encounter with Eva left me a little rattled.

I'm going over the conversation in my head, when I hear my name get called.

"Miss Warner—please, Miss Warner, slow down—"

I stop suddenly, pivoting on my heel sharply, and spinning around to see Castle waving a frantic arm in my direction, chasing me down the hall, and trying to catch up.

I meet his eyes with an inscrutable expression.

"Can I help you?"

"Where have you and Mr. Warner been?" He asks, obviously out of breath. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

I fight the strong urge to tell him that's none of his business. "I was in meetings all morning, and my brother had a some aerial rounds to make."

Castle frowns. "Don't you both switch off and do them in the afternoon? He's been going the past few days."

I almost smile. "You've been watching us?"

"Let's not play games. You've been watching me, too."

Now I actually smile. "Have I?"

"You think so little of my intelligence."

"I don't know what to think of you, Castle."

He laughs out loud. "Goodness, you're an excellent liar."

I look away, sigh. "What do you need?"

"He's here. He's here right now and she's with him and I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me—"

"Yes, Castle, I know. Eva told me. I believe Juliette is fully capable of handling Haider. The rest of them won't be coming for a few days now, before the symposium. So it shouldn't

"Miss Warner, please listen to me. You have to talk to your brother, and he needs to tell Juliette. You have to explain, and you have to do it now," he says, grabbing my shoulders. "They're coming back for h-"

Castle is thrown backwards, hard.

He cries out as he catches himself, arms and legs splayed out in front of him. He remains in that position, hovering 7 inches off the ground and stares at me. Slowly, he steadies, feet finally touching the floor.

"You would use my own powers against me?" He says, breathing hard. "I am your ally—"

"Never," I say sharply, "ever put your hands on me, Castle. Or next time I might accidentally kill you."

Castle blinks, and then I can feel it. It radiates off his person; his pity. It's a terrible, suffocating feeling.

"Don't you dare feel sorry for me," I say.

"My apologies," he says quietly. "I didn't mean to invade your personal space. But you must understand the urgency here. First, the RSVP—and now, Haider's arrival? This is just the beginning," he says, lowering his voice. "They are mobilizing."

"You are overthinking this," I say, my voice clipped. "Haider's arrival today is about me, and my brother. Sector 45's inevitable infestation by a swarm of supreme commanders is about us. We've committed treason, remember?" I shake my head, begin walking away. "They're just a little . . . angry."

"Stop," he says. "Listen to me—"

"You don't need to concern yourself with this, Castle. I'll handle it."

"Why aren't you listening to me?" He's chasing after me now. "They're coming to take her back! We can't let that happen!"

I freeze. Turn to face him. My movements slow. "What?"

"They're coming. She's caused too much trouble already, and they want her back."

I shake my head. Did Eva know? Or is this recent?

"Her parents?" I ask, stupidly.

"No," Castle says, looking bewildered. "The Reestablishment. Do you—" he pauses, staring at me, jaw slack. "Do you know who her parents are, Miss Warner?"

I keep my expression neutral. "That doesn't matter. And what, exactly, do you want me to tell my brother, Castle?"

"Everything. He needs to be informed of all the secrets your father has kept from him over the years, and he needs to tell Juliette. About her adoptive parents, her origin," he pauses, looking at me like he knows me. "About Emmaline, and what you and your brother did."

I look away from his pitiful gaze.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lie.

"Yes, you do. It's okay, I understand why you did it—"

"No, Castle, you don't understand a thing I do, not truly. So don't pretend like you know my reasons, or my intentions. You don't."

He sighs. "I know this must be difficult, but you really must tell Mr. Warner. It's vital he receives this information."

"Then why can't you just tell him?"

"If you want to preserve any relationship between the two of you, you must be the one to speak to him."

I sigh, frustrated, and run a hand through my hair.

Of course I knew I'd have to tell him eventually, I just really, really wished I didn't. Especially not now.

"I am not your enemy, I am your friend, you don't have to hide things from me. Besides, I think it would be better if I knew, about Juliette's parents."

I stare at him for a long time. Finally I nod, once.

He sits down, using the concrete wall to lean against. He motions for me to sit next to him.

I hesitate. Eventually, I relent, walking over and taking a seat on the cold linoleum floor.

Castle is staring at me with an unwavering curious expression.

"First things first," I say, taking in a sharp breath. "The truth about Eva."

He gives me a confused look, but gestures me to continue.

I take a minute before answering.

"She's the Supreme Commander of Oceania's daughter. Her full name is Evangeline Sommers."

Castle reels, eyes widening, his jaw dropping.

I don't wait. "Emmaline is Eva's sister, as is Juliette," I meet his eyes. "Juliette's birth name is Ella Sommers, and she is a Supreme Commander kid."

Damage MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz