Chapter 8

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I'm standing at the foot of Aaron's bed, staring at him leaning against the bed frame.

The medics just left, confirming that his surgery went well, and that, with the new drugs they've given him should accelerate the healing process.

They recommended that he stay in bed for the next week, but of course, he's trying to push it.

They also said that he wear a sling for at least the next month.

He was being stubborn, as usual, asking when he can resume work.

"My slacks, please." He says to me.

I stare at him, unmoving. "What is it?" He asks.

He uses his left arm to steady himself against the mattress, and forces himself upright.

It takes a lot of his energy, and he clings to the bed frame, nearly falling over.

I walk over to help him, even though he's waving me off, saying he's fine.

He closes his eyes and says, "Tell me what happened."

I'm looking at him, trying to hide my own anger, and Aaron must sense it, because he gets slightly more worried.

"Adam Kent. He escaped." I spit out his name, like it's a sin to say it.

He runs a hand through his hair, takes a deep, unsteady breath.

I can feel his anger, the need to punch something.

I can understand it. We had him.

Juliette screwed it up, in more ways than one.

"How." It's one word, as if he already knows the answer.

"Well, before I came to find you, I stopped at Kent's house. There were two soldiers, searching the place. They found a bullet in the bathroom. It matches your gun."

He flinches when I say the word.

"Kishimoto." Is all he says.

"Yes. The blood was still fresh on it, so I assume they're all together. But what about his little brother?"

Aaron opens his eyes, "He must have been hiding with Kishimoto. If he was injured, then it would make him almost useless."

I nod, "How old?"

He shrugs, but only with his left arm. "9,10,11. I'm not sure."

He looks at me, "Continue." His voice is clipped, and I wonder exactly what happened with Juliette.

But I don't ask, not yet.

"They stole a car, we tried to track it, but to no avail. There was no way to tell where they planned on going. But I have a few ideas."

I pause, looking at Aaron, knowing he agrees.

"And the warehouse Kent was being kept in. I went to investigate, see how they could possibly have gotten out, or in, in her case."

We stare each-other in the eyes. "There was a 4 foot hole in the steel door. It looked as if an animal had been through it, but there was no blood, as there should have been if that's what it truly was."

I pause.

"She must have been desperate enough to activate her power. Must've had an adrenaline high at the moment."

He nods, then regrets it immediately.

"Okay. I have to take a bath now. Or try, at least."

That's his way of kicking me out. "Will you be ok?"

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