Chapter 14

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I wake up, feeling better than I have in ages.

I feel extremely well rested, and more energized than I thought I could feel again.

There's only one problem; I've been kidnapped.

The sight of my fathers bloodied legs, crying out in pain, Juliette, a gun in her hand, and the agonizing feeling of getting my bone re-broken fill me head.

I shudder.

On the way here, while I was getting carried, to this underground place, I had faded in and out of consciousness.

I got enough sense of the place, and I have to admit, I'm very impressed.

Most of their equipment is very high tech, meaning they must've either stole it from the Reestablishment's storage compounds, or made it by hand.

I'm assuming both.

I notice my elbow, fully healed, and startle, staring at it for a moment, slowly turning it around.

Who am I kidding? This place is filled with people of whom have abilities that can do god knows what, they must have healers.

The thought pops into my head, surprising myself.

Of course they do.

That must mean Aaron's been healed too. But I'm wondering why the hell they would help us, because, if my theory is correct, they plan to kill us.

Otherwise, why kidnap us? It doesn't make any sense and— I snap my head up.


Where is he? I hop up, onto my feet, with surprisingly sharp agility.

My wedges slam against the bare concrete floor, in the even emptier room, as I strut across the to the steel door, and I kick it.

Knock my fists on the door a few times, while yelling in a steady, intimidating tone to the guards I know are standing outside the door.

"Hey! Let me out, right now! I need to see my brother! Where is he?"

No response, so I decide to try something else. "I need to see Juliette Ferrars. Can someone get her? Please?"

This time, I hear a grunt, the sound of static; a walkie-talkie.

A gruff voice begins speaking into it, but I don't try to listen to his words.

• • • • • •

I'm sitting, back leaning against the concrete wall on the opposite side of the room, head resting on my knees, when I hear more voices.

2 men, who I assume are my guards, and then a girl's. Juliette's.

The voices cease, and the door slowly begins to open, the lock clicking out of place.

Juliette cautiously steps in, her eyes immediately going to me.

It takes every ounce of self-control to not attack her right there.

The steel lock on the door slides back into place, closing with a loud click.

She ever so slowly makes her way over to me. I close my eyes, rest my head against the back wall.

"You asked to see me?" She says, a slight tremble in her voice.

"Yes" I say, without opening my eyes. We just sit in silence for nearly a minute, before she clears her throat.


"Where is he?"
She startles, looking momentarily confused.

Then, "Oh. He's in another room. Down the hall."

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