Chapter 1

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Annie's pov - I got up and got ready for school I just wore ripped jeans and a black crop with vans. My mom called me down for breakfast so I quickly grabbed my bag and headed down. After finishing breakfast I drove to school in my tesla that I got for my 17th birthday a week ago. I arrived at school and headed to my locker to grab my books.

H- well look what we got here
A- just go Hayden
H- what are u scared?
A- scared of you? Ha yea keep dreaming.

I slowly walked off to my first class after that. I try to oviod Hayden but then lunch came around. I had a book in my face as I sat at a table by myself and read. And it doesn't matter how hard I try Hayden will always be there to ruin my day.

H- wassup girl.
A- wassup? Tacky....
H- whatever nerd
A- I'm reading a book not the periodic table so how am I a nerd? Oh yea because you've never read one!
H- shut up geek!

He says that as he walks off to his table with the people he calls friends. I mean I don't have any so what do i know?

- at hayden table -
C- dude I dare u to ask LeBlanc on a date
H- what no she stupid pick someone hotter! Oooo like Kyle
C- nah LeBlanc
H- $500 if i do nerd girl
C- u got yourself a deal my man.

*the next day*
I got up and went to eat breakfast before getting ready. Then of course my little sister hayley comes to eat.

H$- hey sistaaaa
A- hi?
H$- omg school was so good yesterday!
A- really?
H$- yea we were taking FRIENDSHIP picks and like everyone wanted one with me and then julie and Kate wanted to sit at lunch with me but so did coco and txnaumy-
*annie starts walking off*
H$- uh it's rude to leave while someone is talking
A- I've heard enough
H$- ugh people are so rude these days.
Hayley says as I walked off to my room to quickly get ready. When I finished I quickly grabbed my bag and left. 

*skip to lunch*
C- alright bro u gotta ask her
H- I will just wait

I walked into the cafeteria with a new book in my face and sat down I looked up for a second to see Hayden staring at me, I just Ignored it and carried on with my book.

C- alright go dude
H- ok brb

I was only the second to last page of my book as I heard a familiar voice say "hey" and of course it had to be Hayden. I avoided him all day but now here we are at lunch.

H- hey LeBlanc
A- I have a name
H- ok? Hey Annie
A- thank u
H- so I don't know u ver-
A- nope stop right there I don't wanna hear it go back to your friends
H- I'm just saying we should get to know eachother u know go on a date
A: HAHAHhaha.....A date? Have u lost your mind? Sorry but I'll pass
H- how's Friday at 7:30?
A- I said I'll pass Hayden! Me going on a date with u? Yea no

I walked out to the hall leaving Hayden at my table with a rejection, I wasn't falling for his and his friends little games. I slid down onto the floor up against a locker and finished my book. I then seen Hayden and his group of friends leave the school.skipping. they do that like every other day....

*next day*
I woke up got ready and ate breakfast I quickly grabbed my bag and walked to my car and of course I forgot to get gas yesterday. Means the bus is my only option because my mom left for work soon before. When the bus arrived I walked up to stairs and all I knew was that a lot of eyes were staring. I nicely asked a boy with dirty blonde hair if I could sit with him.

A- excuse me can I sit here?
J- oh yea of course
A- thx! Btw I'm Annie
J- nice to meet you Annie! I'm johnny but u can call me John
A- cool. My real name is julianna
J- oh well then.

As I continued to talk to johnny I learned A lot about him and he's new and asked me to how him to his classes when we arrived at school. We got to school and me and johnny walked in together. One more step closer to being bothered by Hayden I just know it!

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