chapter 12

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*the next day*
I woke up because the door bell rang I had to get it because my mom and hayley were gone having a girls day. I opened the door and Hayden was standing there with a big smile.
A- Hayden summerall. What are u doing here?
H- I can't come to your house?
A- alright come in.
H- great! Have u packed yet?
A- omg! I completely forgot
H- we leave at 3am TONIGHT!
A- I know I'm so sorry...
H- well let's go!
A- where?
H- I'm gonna help u pack.

Next thing I knew Hayden was dragging me to my room.

A- here is my suit case.
H- ok now a weeks worth of clothes!
A- ok jeans!
H- jeans?
A- What?
H- your gonna wear jeans! In bora bora?
A- ok fine. Shorts! *she puts 7 pairs of shorts In*
H- ok! Next.
A- shirts
H- this one! *holds up a crop that has a opening where it would show Annie's boobs*
A- Hayden.....
H- I'm not dating u but u can still look hot!
A- whatever
H- haha *he throws it in the suit casw*
A- alright *she puts the rest of her clothes in*
H- ok u need like hair stuff or whatever
A- yea and I can't forget my makeup.
H- really? *he crosses his arms*
A- wha?
H- u don't need makeup
A- I'm bringing it!
H- ugh.

I then put my tooth brush,hair stuff, and makeup in a travel bookbag. After I finished packing I made a sandwich.
And Hayden just stood and stared at me.
A- ugh take a picture it will last longer!
H- be quiet.
A- your staring at me.
H- fine!

I woke up to my alarm then got in comfty sweat pants and a sweater with my nike slides. I then brought my bags downstairs, Hayden knocked so I let him in.

Mk- ok sweety be safe! Xtra safe!
A- I will mom!
Mk- here I have a present for u!
A- thx mom! For what tho?
Mk- just don't open till after u leave.
A- ok thx! Tell hayley I love her.
Mk- I will bye honey.
A- bye mom love u!
*ms.katie closes the front door*
A- alright
H- u ready for this?
A- as ready as I'll ever be.

Hayden put my bags in the trunk then we got in and drove off to the private jet at the airport. I was so excited because first I've never been to bora bora and second I've never been on a private jet! The whole drive me and Hayden just talked about what we would be doing at bora bora.
H- hey u should open that present from your mom.
A- oh yea omg.
*she opens it*
A- ugh I hate her.
H- what is it?
A-....*holds up 6 condoms*
H- haha!
A- omg

I rolled down my window and threw the condoms out the window.

H- wh-what would u do that for?
A- because I don't need them?
H- uh hello?
A- I hate u!

I rolled my eyes at hayden and looked out my window. When we got to the airport I seen a private jet in front of us. We got are stuff out the trunk and walked over to it. Haydens dad was waiting at the door.
Mj- alright son all yours.
H- thx dad!
A- thx Mr Jimmy
Mj- aha so this is your girlfriend your always talking about.
H- dad.....
A- *smirks*
Mj- well go along u have a long journey ahead.

Me and Hayden got on the plane and his dad shut the door the walked to his car and drove off. Me and Hayden were just getting settled in are seats then the pilot announced we were gonna start taking off. We sat down and I was just scrolling through Instagram.
H- what are u doing?
A- just on Instagram
H- oh. Shrimp?
A- yea sure! *takes a shrimp* so how long we got to get there?
H- about 15 hours.
H- yea I know.
A- oh well.
H- I mean we could have some fun!
A- I'm good!
H- your like no fun
A- Hayden were not even dating.
H- well we were
A- ugh. *she sits next to him*
H- yes?
A- let's make a deal!
H- oh god.
A- I will only! And I mean only have sex with u.
H- I like the sound of this!
A- if u jump off the highest rock into the water in bora bora.
H- I am not liking the sound of this!
A- see that's my plan
H- your evil.
A- I know!

I then got on my seat and fell asleep. When I woke up Hayden was gone so I just sat there. I the Heard the bathroom toilet flush and Hayden walked out.
A- well hello
H- hey sleepy head.
A- have u been awake this whole time.
H- no I just woke up before u.
A- much longer we got?
H- about 11 hours.
A- ughhhhh
H- hey at least we get a week there
A- I know but I want to be in a comfty bed.
H- about that....
A- What?
H- ummm...
A- u did get us separate bed. Right?
H- wellllll......
A- omg Hayden!
H- hey this is not my fault
A- yes it is!
H- it won't be that bad.
A- just stay on your side when we get there then!
H- fine sassy!

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