chapter 26

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I pushed it open.
A- Hayden, u can't stay here and forget about me. U have a baby coming and your just gonna leave? Let alone leave me? If that's your choice then fine I never wanna speak to u again. But just know this baby will ALWAYS! Be yours and if u can't step up like a man then whatever. But what your doing now all because u cheated on me is really childish.
H- Annie! Open the window and look outside of it! Don't u see that this isn't working? I wanna be there for that baby. And I wanna be in its life, but if u couldn't forgive me for 1 simple mistake....that's on you.
He closed the door and shut it in my face.
*3 long years later*
Hi, it's me Annie. I'm doing great! I have 2 healthy twins (1 boy and 1 girl) named Caleb and Taylor. If your wondering about Hayden, I have no clue. I haven't Seen him sense the day he shut the door in my face. I have a boyfriend anyway his name is asher. He's much more helpful then Hayden ever was. Now let's get back to the story sense u know what's going on.
A- Taylor! Caleb! Lunch time.
*they run in the kitchen*
C- mommy what's for lunch?
A- a sandwich and yogurt
C/T- yummy!!
A- eat up my little munchkins.
*they eat*
I was just washing some dishes and then asher got home from work.
AS- I'm home!!
C/T- daddy!!!!
They run up to him and hug his legs.
AS- hey peanuts.
He then walked over to Annie and gave her a quick kiss.
A- welcome home.
AS- hi baby
C/T- ewwww!!
*they all laugh*
T- daddy can u come play with us?
As- oh course! Come on.
*they go to the play room*
Ok yea Taylor and Caleb call him dad. I don't blame them it's not like Hayden is here to take the title of being there dad. But Asher is great and I don't mind it.
C- mommy! Mommy! Come look at daddy.
A- I'm coming baby.
I walked into the play room to see Asher with a pink wig on holding a fake cowboy gun and red lipstick all over his face and lips.
A- haha what did u guys do to dad?
C- we made him look like pretty
A- u guys are so cute. But it's nap time! Come on.
I took the kids and put them each in one of my plain white shirts. So it looked like a big dress on them.
T- hehe mommy we look funny
A- it's only for naptime.
I took them to there bedroom and layed the down with a bottle filled with juice water. I turned off there light and closed the door behind me. I walked downstairs and Asher was on his laptop doing some work. I sat next to him.
A- having fun?
As- not really.
A- oh boring i guess
As- yea well what do u wanna do?
A- I dont know.
As- here
A- what is this?
As- some cash, go to a spa or get your nails done or something.
A- really!?
As- well yea of course! I'll get the kids when they wake up. U go have u time.
A- aww thank u baby
I gave him a kiss and then rushed out the door. I went to the spa to get a massage, then I got my nails done. That took about 3 hours. It was 4 o'clock so I needed to get home to cook dinner. When I got home Asher and the kids were watching bubble guppies. I started to cook dinner, when I finished I called them all over to the table to eat.
A- ok guys come on! Dinner is ready.
As- come on Peanuts!
They came running over to the table to eat.
A- ok sit in your highchairs.
We started eating dinner.
*haydens side*
Uh hi I guess? I'm doing ok. I guess leaving Annie wasn't such a good idea because I'm back in L.a banging girls again. It's been 3 years, I wonder so many things like what my kids are doing? are they happy? sad? Do they know about me? Is Annie with someone? All those questions run through my mind everyday and it stresses me out. I even went to see if Annie was home one day like 1 year ago but she had moved to a different house apparently....I just wanna see my babies and let them know I exist :(

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