chapter 6

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HAYDEN pov- ok yea I'll admit it I'm catching feelings for Annie but if I start showing it Carson will kill me but I gotta tell him. I grabbed my phone and texted him
H- yo wassup bro
C- heyy dude wyd
H- nothing hbu
C- watching porn.
H- ok? Well I gotta tell u something
C- oh also I'm getting your money tomorrow then Annie will be ancient history!
H- about that....
C- oh no, your not catching feelings are u?
H- um
C- bro u totally are...
H- ok so what? But whatever u do, NEVER! And I mean NEVER mention the money thing to Annie!
C- u know I got u bro.
H- thx bro
C- Now! Go get your girl.
H- peace out!
*end of texts*
I'm glad I convinced Carson not to tell Annie and told him I'm catching. Now it's time to make things right with Annie. I decided to text her and told her to meet me at the beach at 6 in the mean time I set up a little picnic for us there.
~6 oclock~
Annie's pov- Hayden told me to meet him at the beach so I'm leaving now. HAYLEY HAS no idea so thank God she was over at her friend pipers. I got to the beach and I seen a little picnic set up with some cute fairy lights lying around . I thought it was so cute and whoever is going on that date is a lucky girl!
Hayden pov- I seen Annie pull up at the beach so I snuck behind her car to scare her when she got out.
*she gets out*
A- AHH! Omg don't do that *punches him in the stomach*
H- aww
A- so why did u need me here?
H- come this way

Hayden took my hand and lead me over to the cute picnic with fairy lights that I saw and then I realized, I may just be that lucky girl...
A- omg this is so cute!.
H- I knew u would like it.
A- can I like keep these fairy lights?
H- sure idc.
*they sit down*
H- sandwich?
A- sure! *giggles*
H- so...
A- so *chewing* what do u want?
H- I have to want something to take u on a date?
A- Hayden summeral.....yes! Yes u do.
H- wow harsh...
A- I mean a cute picnic, a good sandwich. What is it?
H- well.....u know what happened earlier about your sister and how u thought it was getting to me.
A- oh no! Is Hayden s ummeral catching feelings for nerd LeBlanc. Omg I didn't even notice *laughs*
H- seriously?
A- what u think I didn't know
H- kinda?
A- ha! Okay.....
H- well LeBlanc I'm sur- *she kisses him*
A- yes, yes I do!
H- well ok then!
A- I just realized something.
H- what?
A- I'm braver then u
H- how?
A- u hesitated to tell me u liked me, I didn't
H- no I didn't
A- yes u did!
H- no I didn't!
A- ok let's see, ask me out! *she sits up tall*
H- right Now?
A- yup *breaks off a peice of her crust and eats it* right Now!
H- well um
A- see u already hesitated hahahahahah.
H- u didn't even give me a chance
A- when u ask someone out u shouldnt need a chance.
H- well who said I was asking u out yet anyway?
A- "yet"?
H- ok so I may or may not ask u out sometime but that's past the point
A- no it's not it's exactly the point.
H- well then I'm not buying u ice cream.
A- SKSJSKSKSK WHAT........!??!?!
H- I'm joking come on!

Me and Hayden walked across the beach holding hands to go get ice cream. After we got are ice cream we ate it while walking back to are picnic area. After we finished I helped Hayden clean up.
A- thx hay, I had fun!
H- yea so did I.
A- I'll see u later!
H- bye.

I drove home and when I got there hayley was standing at the doorway.
A- what?
H$- how was your date with HAYDEN?
A- how did u-
H$- I saw u at the beach! Duh.
A- whatever hayley
H$-.....I took the pictures down if u were wondering....*she walks slowly up to her room*

As I watched hayley slowly walk away I felt really bad and so guilty about what I said to her earlier today it made me so mad and I wanted to apologize. I went to the store and bought her a big bag of sour patch kids and headed home when I got there I went to her room.
A- *knock* *knock* can I come in
(Her door was open)
H$- yea I guess so.
A- hey hayley, I'm sorry about what I said to u earlier today but u made me really mad so I bought u these. *shows bag of sour patch kids*
H$- I already have a bag *shows her bag*
A- well u can have more!
H$- .....
A- come on hayley I said I was sorry
H$- u never said that I wasn't stupid!
A- what?
H$- I'm not stupid Annie! Just because I act the way I do doesn't make me stupid I can do whatever I want to I'm a teenager now u shouldn't be bossing me around! Now take your bag of sour patch kids and get out of my room!
A- hayley your not stupid! Your perfect and my favorite little sister...well my only little sister but your amazing but I don't want u in my personal space sometime I know we're sister's but I'm not stalking your life, like u could be dating someone right now and I would even know it! And that's how u should be with me
H$- well don't bring them to the house and I wouldn't.
A- hayley come on u can't be that mad I mean were sister's all sister's call eachother stupid! Right?
H$-....*she walks out*
A- ugh...

~next day~
I woke up with a headache last thing I remember last night was me arguing with hayley and then I had a terrible dream of my mom saying she going to live with are dad. Ugh I hope that never happens. I got ready for school and then went downstairs for breakfast hayley was eating and she was still in her pjs.
A- u realize u have 10 minutes to get ready Right?
H$- I'm not going to school today.
A- oh ok...

I finished eating and said bye to my mom I also said bye to hayley but she didn't say anything back I got to school and went to my locker. While I was grabbing my books I felt a presence of someone behind me.
A- AHH omg Hayden seriously?
H- what? It's funny.
A- no it's not stop doing that *giggles*
H- ready for class?
A- yup.

Me and Hayden walked to class together.
~skip to lunch~
I sat at my regular table with Hayden and johnny and then I received a text from my mom.
Mk- I may not be home when u get back.
A- why not?
Mk- I gotta take hayley to the airport.
A- what why?
Mk- I told u yesterday she's going to stay with your dad for a couple months.
*pause in text*
A- omg!
*flash back to last night*
Mk- Annie!
A- yea wassup?
Mk- I know this is hard but hayleys gonna go stay with your dad for a few months in Hawaii
A- what why?
Mk- it isn't comfortable for here.
*back to reality*
A- omg! It wasn't a dream.
H- what wasn't a dream?
J- r u ok?
A- mom I thought that was a dream! I had a bad headache last night
Mk- I know it's hard honey but it's best for her
A- already try and convince her.
Mk- I can't honey your dad already bought the plane ticket we are leaving now.
A- ok tell her I said bye and that i love her!
Mk- I will sweat heart.
*end of texts*

I was so mad at myself I wanted to die. She's leaving because of me! Because I called her stupid. Because I didn't want her in my life! This is all my fault. I started crying at the lunch table.
J- Annie are u ok
H- hey what's wrong?
A- *crying*
H- come here

Hayden wrapped  his arms around her while she just sat there with her arms down crying. After lunch Annie went to the principles office.
P- hello Ms.leblanc
A- hey um can I ask u a favor?
P- of course anything.
*the future*
The principle let me leave school for the rest of the day because I told him everything. I walked to my car and left. When I got home I put on fuzzy pjs and layed in bed. I then fell asleep.

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