chapter 38

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When we finished with dinner we split the check and then headed back to our rooms. When we got there it was about 7pm so we got the twins ready for bed. I was able to warm up some milk from the milk I brought in a water bottle in the microwave in the kitchen area of our room. The twins fell fast asleep and the I got ready for bed. When I was done I got in bed and checked my phone along with setting an alarm for 4am so that we have time to get dressed and get are stuff packed back up. Hayden later got in bed and we went to sleep.
I woke up just at the right time. I woke up Hayden and we started to put the stuff we took out back in the 2 bags we brought in the hotel with us. We got dressed and it was 4:30 so Hayden finished and then he carried the twins down to the lobby while I did A quick check and went down and turned in the key card. I then texted kenzie to see where she was.
A- hi! We are down in the lobby.
K- ok we are in the elevator headed down.
A- ok see you soon!
K- bye!
*end of texts*
We waited and then we saw then come out of the elevator. We then all walked out side and we got in our cars and drove to the pickup for the cruise. We parked our cars and gave our keys to the guy who was putting over 1000 people's cars in a garage until the cruise is over, I'm sure he has help, at least I hope he does. We got all our stuff and we all walked up in the back of the line and many more people piled behind us waiting to get on. About 40 minutes went by and we were finally at the door to walk in.
P- tickets please?
We handed him our tickets and walked on the cruise. It was so beautiful. As we walked in we were handed room keys and went straight up there. We had rooms right next to eachother! I was so happy I get to see kenzie more. After we dropped all our stuff it was 7am. All the kids were asleep so we just waited in our rooms until they woke up.
The kids have been up for about 30-40 minutes and we are going downstairs to eat something for breakfast. The ship hasn't departed yet because there still like 100 people to get on. We all met up at one of the many restaurants they have on the ship and it was really busy. We got a booth for all of us and ordered drinks. We then talked about what we were gonna order.
K- ooo Annie look at this
A- oh that looks really good!
K- I think I'm gonna get that.
A- yea me to.
T- mommy I want this one.
She said as she pointed to pancakes and bacon.
A- ok. What do u want Caleb
C- I want fruit!
A- ok.
(He wants blueberry waffles) luckily they served different types of waffles so that was good.
J- what do you want Lily?
L- I don't know....
J- what about this?
He said as he pointed to the menu and showed her.
L- yea I want that one.
J- ok!
The waiter came back and we ordered all our food. While we were eating we talked and made plans.
K- I can't wait to explore the ship
A- I know. I've never been on a cruise!
*the speaker comes on*
Spk- we are now departing from Los Angeles California.
Spk- I repeat, we are now departing from Los Angeles California.
*the speaker turns off*
K- that took forever
A- I know it's been awhile sense we got on!
We then kinda felt the ship start to move but then it was like we weren't moving.
K- maybe we should go to the pool later, before lunch.
H- that sounds fun.
A- yea may be like at 11 or something?
K- yea that's a good time.
The waiter came back with 2 trays of food, we finished and it was almost 11 so we headed up to our rooms to get ready to go down to the pool. (Also the food is all free). I got the twins in the swimsuits and Hayden also changed then I changed into mine.
H- you are not going down there looking like that!
A- why do i look bad?
I said as I turned and looked in the mirror.
H- no you look hot! So your not wearing That.
A- *smiles* it's all I Brought. And really? I feel like the baby bump takes away the whole "hot" thing
Hayden just forgot about it and moved on. This is what my swimsuit looked like!

 This is what my swimsuit looked like!

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So maybe it's a little...revealing but I don't care. We got towels and then met up with the Orlando's and looked for the pool.
K- omg we have been looking for ages.
A- let's ask someone.
I walked up to a person who looked like they worked here because they had a name tag on and I asked.
A- um excuse me. Where is the pool?
P- go straight and the go out the first door to your left and then go right and you'll see it.
A- ok thank you!
P- no problem. Have a great day!
I walked back to the group and showed them the way. When we finally got to the pool there wasn't anyone there surprisingly, even though it's really hot! But I guess sense we just got on people may be settling in.
C- yay! Let's go swim.
Me and kenzie layed our towels on the chairs and johnny and Hayden took the kids in the pool. Me and kenzie layed down on our chairs and tanned.
J- oh come on!
K- what?
J- your not getting in?
K- maybe later.
A- most defiantly not!
H- party poopers!
Me and kenzie laughed and then went back to tanning.

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