chapter 33

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We finished shopping and then went home. I quickly put the twins down for a nap in there room and went back downstairs to talk to Hayden because he still hasn't spoken. I got downstairs and he was just sitting on the couch biting his nails like he was nervous about something. I went and sat next to him and he looked over at me then went back to playing with his fingers.
A- something wrong?
H- no...
A- yes there is. You have been so quiet today
H- well I don't know why.
A- yes u do! And you need to tell me.
H- well I don't know.
A- hay, if this is about last nigh-
H- it's not.
A- Then what is this about hayden!?
H- well maybe u should find out yourself....I don't know the truth to be honest with you.
I got SUPER confused and sat there for a minute thinking but nothing was coming to mind so I continued to ask what was wrong.
A- I don't understand. Just tell me!
H- I just told you I don't know the exact answer to your question.
A- ok, I'll be right back.
I had to use the bathroom all of a sudden and my stomach started killing me. When I got to the bathroom I lifted the toilet seat and puked, I thought to myself "oh no" this can not be happening! There's no way. Right? I washed off my face and washed my mouth out. I then practically yanked open a drawer and found an extra pregnancy test. I sat there and looked at it before I took it knowing there a HUGE possible chance I'm pregnant again with once again haydens baby! I stopped thinking and dropped the test open and took it. I waited a good 5 minutes thinking about what it could say when I looked at it. I picked it up covering the results with my hand and thought.
A- what am I gonna do?!?!?!?!
I removed my hand and read my was not! What I was expecting at all. It defiantly was something I was NOT ready for yet again. But I guess the twins will be happy? Not so much me....cant wait to tell the "I'm gonna have a baby!" I was defiantly not ready for this, but how did Hayden know? I set the test on the counter and ran into the guest room. I threw the blankets on the floor and checked haydens side of the bed, guess what I found! "Sperm" on the bed. That's kind of weird. But anyway he could have told me! That would have been nice. I went out to the living room and Hayden was still sitting there, at least this time he didn't leave me! I walked over and sat down next to him, he had his hands on his forehead so I couldn't see his face but I saw a tear drop fall from his face. I started to feel bad. What if he felt like he did something wrong? Or what if he feels like he may mess up again? Ughhhhhh
A- hey...don't cry!
I mean if he does mess up like last time, I'm prepared for it. But if he tries not to I'll appreciate it! I just don't want him to feel like he's done something wrong, well he kind has, but that's besides the point. I walked upstairs to see if the twins were awake. They were on their floor playing with toys so I brought them down stairs and let them sit with Hayden.
T- mommy is daddy ok?
A- yea....he's fine!
I said trying not to sound like he wasn't ok. I walked back to the bathroom and threw away the box and wrapper for the test and put the test on haydens bed side table. I then went up to my room and plopped on my bed and just felt stupid.

opinions please?!?!?!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and found out why Hayden was upset/quiet. I'm working really hard. I also wanna 🌸THANK🌸 you guys because "him" is #9 on #hannie list which makes me so happy to know that people are enjoying the story! BYE💘

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