More Than Words

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Love is too good for words
And when Jesus came to this world
His love conquer whatever strife brings
His mercy cover a multitude things

Jesus unveil the love of God to all
That changed the life who heeds to His call
The greatest gift that man can receive
Made of sacrifice and love, you got to believe

For His love embrace imperfection
Unconditional love and no qualification
Love that shaped by His will and plan
Plan for better future and not to harm

Don't you under value His love
What is cold, lifeless and lost hope
His love can breathe a new beginning
And give it back a new life with meaning

So let Jesus live within your heart
You'll know true love and He will impart
His greatness and beauty is shinning
His blessings and power is pouring

Don't be anxious, your worries are lessen
Rejoices, your burden are lighten
Jesus our King has a place for us in heaven
And He always with us 24/7

Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my LordWhere stories live. Discover now