Chapter 05

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Running behind Jay as they stretchered her through the hospital Alejandra didn't know what to do.

As she was being wheeled passed Dr. Anderson just so happened to be standing at the front desk.

"I don't know Carter I found her in the bathroom bleeding from the head passed out." Alejandra semi-yelled on the phone.

Springing into action Dr. Anderson took the board from the other doctors.

"What's happened here." she asked going over Jay records.

"Twenty-five year old female Jaycean Alexander bleeding from her head due to a fall from a apparent drug overdose currently unresponsive."

Hearing those words Alejandra immediately burst into tears.

"We have to pump her stomach."

"She's seizing again."

"Were losing her, were losing her."

All of the doctors yelled out moving quickly around Jay.

"I NEED A DEFIBRILLATOR NOW." Dr. Anderson yelled cutting open Jay shirt.


In the waiting room Alejandra paced the floor back and forth, back and forth while clutching her phone.

Hearing yelling she ran to the front.

"Yo I don't give a mutherfuck about security or the damn ops, either tell me where my wife at or I'll blow this bitch up."

"If you blow it up then you really won't be able to find her."

"Bitch I swea-."

"Carter." Alejandra interrupted.

The whole Squad ran up to her all shouting at once. It made her upset.

"SHUT THE HELL UP." everybody stopped. "Now I will only talk to Carter in private."

Walking away they frowned as Carter followed her outside. Biting on her lip she paced around the sidewalk.

"What the fuck happened." he asked frowning at her.

"Alright um the shower was going for a long time and I went to check on her and seen her face down in blood."

Carter held his head. "Its still not making sense Alejandra."

"Okay, okay don't be mad."

"Dawg tell me man." he said scoffing.

She sighed. "Overdose."

Frowning Carter shot up going back into the hospital.


"Nothing's working Dr. Anderson we have to call it."

"No." she told Dr. Melendez. "We're not calling her death time."

Pulling back out the defibrillator she got ready to shock Jay again. 

"One, two, three CLEAR."


"What the hell is going on with you Jaycean, a fuckin' overdose are you FUCKIN' SERIOUS." Jordon yelled as we all stood over a beautiful view.

"This has to be the most idiotic thing you have ever done. Do you have anything to say for yourself." Pops followed after.

I shrugged. "I wasn't trying to kill myself."

"Naw don't stand hea' and say that when poppin' pills has been the only shit you been doing these last few months."

"And when I start Jordon huh, after you were found dead with a fuckin' bullet hole through yo fuckin' head and Carter laid in a hospital bed SO DON'T COME AT ME WITH THE BULLSHIT."

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