Chapter 60: Ballroom

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"What the fuck do you mean they want us" Antonio asked angrily.

"Mom called and said they arrived the day before yesterday, they didn't call because she wanted it to be a surprise. She's hosting a party and we need to be there"Gabriel said and everyone seemed to be happy apart from Antonio.

"Our folks are finally here, it's been so long since I last saw my mom" Diego said with a grin.

"Mommy's boy" Roberto said but through couldn't hide his smile.

"I don't care, I just want to huge my mom" Diego said and I chuckled.

"All of you seem very excited, what time are you guys going to the party" I asked and everyone shared a look.

"What's wrong aren't you coming" Laura asked and I looked her confused.

"I wasn't invited and plus I've never been to such luxurious parties" I said and Antonio intertwined out hands.

"Kitten, of course you're going. We all are, it's not like we have a chose in the matter and my mom was so desperate to meet you" he said and I blinked a couple of times.

"Your Mom wants to meet me" I asked and he nodded.

"Sure why not, don't worry Mom is more like Gabriel " he said.

"That's true, i took after mom" Gabriel said.

"Hey it will be eight in a few hours. Girls we have to get ready" Fran said and Gabriel's eyes widened.

"Let's hope there's time to get ready, did mom have to call me so late. Come on girls we don't have time" Gabriel said standing up.

"The time is only 3: 17 PM. Like a lot of hours before 8 PM" Justin said and Maria rolled her eyes.

"You can't understand because you're a guy. We have a lot to do, we have to pick out a dress and style our hair-" Maria said but Fran cut her off.

"You're wasting time explaining to him" Fran said.

"Come on Isabel" Laura said and I stood up.

"I'll see you later " I said to Antonio and he nodded.

The girls and I made our way to our respective individual rooms to pick out what we are going to wear. I had no idea what to wear so I just stared at my clothes.

"What should I do, Gabriel will kill me if she finds out I've not found my dress" I said and I heard laughter behind me.

I quickly turned around and came face to face with Maria. When she saw my face she started laughing like she just heard the most funniest joke.

"You looked so surprised, I thought you'd faint" she said walking closer to me and I lightly hit her arm.

"I thought you were Gabriel, you almost gave me a heart attack" I said and she continued laughing.

"Are you that scared of her" she asked and I shook my head.

"No, but if I don't find what to wear soon, I'm afraid she'll eat me alive" I said making her laugh even more.

"That's Gabriel for you, OK let me help" she said and I smiled.

"But what about you" I asked when her laughter died down.

"Oh I came to borrow a gown because i hadn't packed for this" she said with a smile.

"Oh that great, now we can fine what go wear together" I said and she nodded.

We started looking through my gown section and tried on dress after dress. We spent like two hours just looking for what to wear. Mrs Fernandez collection of the section was very hard to choose from, everything looked so good on us.

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