15 | Choose

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"I love the songs we sang, I love the times we had. I love all the memories you made with me that I can't get back"

~ Loving You (Wild Blue Part I)


The whole ride to Aria's was weird. Amber and I stayed quiet. I wanted to break the ice and say something, anything. I wanted to apologize, but the words felt wrong to say out loud. So I stayed quiet, too. Her face was stoic the whole ride and I sank further in my seat the more she drove.

When we arrived at Aria's, we got out of the car quietly. The tension was thick and not even the loud crickets could fill the deafening silence. 

"I almo-oh Liv! Hi!" Aria squealed, staring at me for a second longer in shock before bringing me into a hug. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Neither did we," Amber mumbled, pushing past us to go inside.

Aria watched her go and turned to me with questioning eyes. "What's wrong with her?"

I sighed. "She knows I've been dodging her. I couldn't even lie to protect her feelings."

Pushing her front locks behind her ear, she let out a breath. "How'd you even run into each other?"

"I was with Hunter at Baskin Robbins," I said, seeing her open the door further and walking in. As she closed the door behind me, I turned to catch her eyeing me. "She was there to pick up ice cream for you guys."

"What did Hunter say?"

Exasperation flooded through me. "What he always says: he hopes I fix it."

"That's sweet."

I chewed on my bottom lip as I forced her words that went in one ear to go out the other. I turned toward the area of the house Amber had walked off to. "What were you guys gonna do tonight?"

She kept eyeing me for a moment longer before letting whatever she wanted to say go. "Ice cream and The Longest Ride."

"Mind if I join?"

She looked me up and down. "Yeah, but you need to change."

"Okay, I can wear my jeans for one night, Aria."

She shook her head firmly. "You can just have one of mine."

My eyes widened. "I am not wearing your PJs. They're all sexualized and I can't even begin to imagine the things you've done wearing them, nor do I want to."

"I can give you a new one," she replied, laughing at me, "plus, it's only Amber and I. What does it matter what your PJs look like? They just can't be jeans is all."

I rolled my eyes at her. "What. Ever. Fine, I'll change."

She clapped her hands and went up to her room. I slowly dragged behind her, my heavy heart not letting me enjoy being here as I always do. When I finally made it to the master bedroom, Aria had already picked out a set of dark teal silky pajama shorts with a silky tank top. 

"Aria, how are these pajamas?"

She forced the PJs into my hands and looked at me with an amused smile. "Sorry not all of us sleep in sweats and a shirt. It's hot, stupid, dress accordingly."

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