Chapter 10.

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Niall was staring impassively, his mind elsewhere and not noticing that Zayn had called him, multiple times. “Earth to Niall.” Zayn called, waving his hand in front of his eyes. Niall blinked and glanced at his best friend before staring at his lap. Zayn looked questionably at Liam, who shrugged in reply. “What is with you, Niall? You’re quiet, that’s not like you.” Zayn insisted but Niall only ignored him, licking his dry lips. Behind Zayn, Niall’s eyes caught Harry walking into the cafeteria hall, wanting to buy his lunch. Harry hadn’t noticed him there, he went straight for the queue. Liam’s eyes followed Niall’s. He sighed deeply, knowing exactly what he was troubled out.

The guilt had taken Niall all through the week, with what he had done to his English teacher. Now, the whole school thought he was a queer, thanks to him. It had died down now though, all the girls were still convinced that he was completely straight – or that’s what they wanted to believe – and nobody could really argue with it. Harry had tried his best to ignore the pointing and whispering. “Go talk to him.” Liam whispered softly, nudging Niall’s shoulder. Zayn had stopped mid-rant about Niall’s lack of interest with their friendship and he too, looked at Harry in the queue. Niall blinked and looked at Liam, surprised.

“N-no. It’s okay, we’ve sorted it.” Niall lied with a shrug. “Niall.” Liam warned, sounding a little impatient. Niall sighed heavily and walked up to his teacher, standing next to him with their arms brushing together. Harry looked down, his gaze soft before he looked back up again, without saying a word. “I want to say sorry, for you know, accusing you.” Niall said. “It’s okay.” Harry replied simply, bringing out his wallet to pay for his food.

“No, it isn’t. Look, I feel bad for what I did.” Niall argued, walking at a fast speed to keep up with Harry as they headed out the hall. “Niall, it’s in the past. There’s no need to worry about it.” Harry mumbled, taking the flight of stairs up to his class room. “But I am worrying. What can I do to make it up to you?” Harry bit into his sandwich, watching Niall carefully. “Niall, you have one weeks’ detention left. That’s all. After that, there’s no need for us to speak unless it’s school-related.” Harry spoke firmly, taking a sip of his drink.

Niall bit his lip, unsure of what to say. He was about to open his mouth to speak when he closed it again and left without another word. Harry was on the bridge of tears as he pushed a hand through his hair. He didn’t know why he was upset. He shouldn’t be so harsh to the lad. But he was a teacher, he was meant to be strict. After all, Niall did want their “relationship” to be professional. He was only giving him what he wanted, right?

When Niall went home that night after detention, Laura was waiting on him outside his front door. She was sitting on the floor, her back against the wall with earphones in, her knees brought up to her chest. When she saw him, she feebly stood up and took her earphones it and greeted him with a soft kiss on the cheek. “I wasn’t expecting you until Friday.” Niall reminded her and she bit her lip. “We need to talk.” She insisted and Niall’s smile faded. He knew what was coming.

“Okay.” He gulped and guided Niall into his flat. She sat down on his sofa and Niall handed her a glass of water. “Niall, how long have we being out?” she asked firstly and Niall frowned. “About two months, why?” Laura sighed, fiddling with her fingers on her lap as he sat down. “Look, you’re really nice and all and you’re an amazing kisser but –“

“Laura, just cut to the case.” Niall said impatiently and she gulped again. “I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” She said faintly. There was a long pause, in which Niall stared ahead. He was surprised when Laura snorted. “You’re not even sad that I told you this.” She scoffed, with disbelief and Niall frowned. “What are talking about?”

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