Chapter 34.

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The next morning, Niall is given an ultrasound. Again. Just to make sure that everything is all right. "Next time, I'd advise you bring the father along." Dr. Miller says, as she turns the knob against Niall's stomach.

Niall's stomach lurched at the thought. He could just imagine Harry's heart-filled eyes as he stared at the screen. He'd be ecstatic. He watches as Dr. Miller's face is fixed with concentration, her eyes curiously scanning the screen. She clears her throat suddenly, the knob pressing hard against Niall's belly as she steadies it. "Is everything all right?" Niall croaks, seeing the concern filled on the nurse’s face.

She purses her lips at the screen. "I'll be a sec." She decides and excuses herself from the room but then comes back seconds later, with a grin on her face. Niall looks up curiously. "There's a very impatient curly-haired lad outside would you like me to bring him in?" She smiles and Niall's stomach lurched again. Harry. He thought his mum told him no visitors until he was ready...he guessed Harry doesn't listen.

Niall gasps and gives a shaky nod, preparing himself. She watches Niall's reactions and bites her lip. "Would you like me to tell him myself? It might be better coming from a doctor's point of view." She suggested and Niall's eyes widened. "Please." Niall whispered back desperately. Dr. Miller giggled again and grabbed the latest print-out of the ultrasound before heading back outside.

After a few moments, Niall hears the door click open and he looks up to see Harry. He turns round to shut the door and biting his lip, he takes the nearest the seat and sits down. Niall's heart couldn't help but flutter a little at the sight of him. It feels like it's been ages since he last saw him but it's only been a couple of days. His hair is long and curly, sitting on his shoulders again, just like Niall liked it. He's wearing a navy blue cotton sweater and black jeans with leather ankle boots and a black trench coat. Stunning.

Just like Niall had predicted, his face lit up at the sight of the sonogram. "Is that the baby?" Harry croaks, dimples showing. Niall's eyes glance back at the screen, watching the images fuzz before him. Niall nods in reply, not trusting the sound of his voice. However, after Dr. Miller's sudden disappearance, he wasn't so sure.

Harry clears his throat and reaches for the knob. He squirts some new gel onto it and starts moving it around on his belly. "Making yourself at home, aren't ya?" Niall teases and Harry chuckles, not breaking his concentration. Harry's hands are cool against Niall's warm skin and it feels great.

"Think it's a boy or a girl?" Harry asks curiously, grinning. Niall blushes because quite frankly, he doesn't have a clue what he's looking at.

"It's too early to say." Niall replied bashfully.

"Come on, just a guess." Harry persuades eagerly and Niall gulps.

"I...I can't see it." Niall finally admits and when Harry looks up, he's crying. Harry sighs and pulls the machine forward, closer so Niall could see it. Harry points at something small and round on the screen, not much bigger than a peanut or a ten pence coin. "Oh." Niall finally breathes, feeling a little dumb-founded. Harry laughs and reaches over, kissing Niall on the fore-head.

Niall wipes his tears away and stares at the screen. The debate about the gender of the baby had long gone and the two boys sat and watched the screen move in a comfortable silence, Harry controlling the knob against Niall's stomach. Niall begins to worry as to why Dr. Miller is taking so long. If Harry was able to find the fetus, why wasn't she? The fact that Harry was able to find it left Niall a little reassured than before. Despite the fact that he didn't want to keep it, he didn't want to lose it either. It was a love/hate relationship.

Niall decides to start a conversation to shut brain up. "You're taking this surprisingly well." Niall says and Harry's broken out of his trance of concentration. Niall didn't realize he was still trying to figure out if it was a boy or girl, which was cute.

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