Chapter 2 : The Strangers Dad is a... God too?

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Okay. Now I know you're wondering who I am? Well.... I am the person who was 'rescued' by a stranger -of whom I know nothing about- from what I assumed was(the largest dog in the universe... or) a monster -as 'he' said- at an alleyway.

I know I sound rude but it'll have to be this way, at least until I know who this mystery person is. Well apparently his name is 'Percy'. His mom gave him away.

If you're wondering why we were in the alley....(I know you probably are.) It all started about two weeks back, when my mom told me and my sister -Lacie- that our long lost father was a greek god. I know that you're laughing, we did too. But then the monsters started arriving. So we left home. We took several trains, doubled back in an attempt to send the monsters off course. We came as far as Seattle from Alaska, but then our mother died. It was the worst day of my life, to see her...... lifeless.

She told us in her dying breath to somehow get to New York, and gave us her remaining money. For some reason there were no monster attacks on our way here. But as soon as we stepped into New York that monster was on our heel. We didn't have any money with us by then to even hire a taxi to save ourselves. Somehow the creature cornered us at the alley. We would've been dead if not for the stranger a.k.a. 'Percy'.

So now I am in his room looking around when Percy came in with a box and a flask.

"I am guessing that one of your parents are immortal. A god or a goddess." He said but it sounded more like a question.

"Yeah. My dad is a god.... well my mom told me anyway. But how do you know about it?"

"Well there wouldn't be a hellhound after you if it wasn't like that."

"Oh! So that's what it's called." I blurted out.

"Oh gods! I totally forgot. Let me introduce myself -"

"- Percy" I cut across him.

"Huh! I guess my mom gave me away," he sighed "anyway it's Percy Jackson. I'm a son of Poseidon the sea god."

"Lou Colins" I said

"Tell me about yourself." He said.

Most people would argue that you shouldn't open up to someone who you just met. But he saved me and Lacie and earned my trust. So I guess he deserved that much. And I told him the whole story from the beginning.

*****_____ A SMALL TIME SKIP_____****

"...... So that's what happened." I finished.

Percy was silent for a few minutes. Then finally he ran a hand through his hair.

"What you've gone through is common with most demigods what we call half bloods. But what I don't understand is how you could've been safe at your age. You're what seventeen, eighteen? "

"Yeah I'll be eighteen this December."

"Yeah I guessed, and that's my point. Monsters should start to sense you at least when you're 12, 13."

"Maybe I'm not that powerful."

He chuckled. "If that was the answer things would've been simple.... Anyway this is ambrosia and nectar, godly food." He said, showing me a small cube that looked like brownies and a flask of golden colour liquid "Don't eat too much, unless you want to self combust that is. So be careful."

He handed me a small part of the cube to eat and left the room, leaving me to think about what he said.


Word count: 590

Date published: 14/12/2018

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